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Subject: RE: [xri-editors] URI authority resolution

Title: Re: [xri-editors] URI authority resolution
Dave and I discussed this on the phone and we came up with a sensible way of describing the functionality.
Think of AlternativeXRI as "Include" and Mapping as "AlsoKnownAs".
The effect of Mapping is to give the resolver a hint that the resolved authority is also known by another authority ID. This assertion is only trusted one-way - that is if xri://=Wachob contains a <Mapping>xri://=!1!2</Mapping>, then the resolver may cache (with some trust) the fact that if someone wants xri://=Wachob, the XRID for xri://=!1!2 may be used instead. The resolver should NOT, however, return the XRID resulting from xri://=Wachob if someone asks about xri://!1!2 . Mapping may also affect other behavior (such as reporting back this Mapping to the user of the resolver). The key thing with Mapping is that the XRID that results from resolving the XRI in the Mapping element shoudl be functionally equivalent to the XRID in which the Mapping element is found.
AlternativeXRI is, for me, the way I'd map an alias to another XRI. Its effect on the resolver is to say "Please look at the XRID for this identifier as well as the XRID you are currently looking at". It is therefore, in effect, saying "please go logically include the XRID that comes from resolving XRI Authority X" (where X is the content of the <AlternativeXRI> element. The XRID resulting from resolving the XRI in the AlternativeXRI is likely to be very different than the XRID in which the AlternativeXRI element is found. A resolver would typically use the XRI in AlternativeXRI if it cannot find the local access service or authority URI it needs in the current XRID.
I'd actually suggest that we rename <AlternativeXRI> to <Include> (or <Import>?) . I think Mapping describes its function well and doesn't really need to be changed. Since AlternativeXRI hasn't yet been written into the 1.0 spec, this shouldn't be a real "change" except as from the errata (which was never formally adopted anyway).
Does everyone understand this?

Chief Systems Architect
Technology Strategies and Standards
Visa International
Phone: +1.650.432.3696   Fax: +1.650.554.6817

-----Original Message-----
From: Wachob, Gabe [mailto:gwachob@visa.com]
Sent: Thursday, November 18, 2004 1:18 PM
To: Dave McAlpin; Davis, Peter
Cc: xri-editors@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: RE: [xri-editors] URI authority resolution

I'll want to discuss this more, as I want to be crystal clear to implementers what they should be doing when they receive one or more of these elements. For example, is there a requirement that one be used (ie AlternativeXRI) over the other (Mapping) if they both appear? Should they only be consulted if there is no appropriate local access available?
As to trusted resolution - one issue I see is that if an XRID contains a "Mapping" element, is there not an assertion of equality between the authority identified by the resolved authority ID and the authority ID in the mapping element? If thats the case, what can the resolver "trust" about this resolution? For example, if the Mapping contains the XRI xri://@!1!3!4, can the XRID containing the mapping element be used (in a *trusted* fashion) for xri://@!1!3!4 without having to actually resolve xri://@!1!3!4? If not, then why is this a Mapping and not an AlternativeXRI? Can Mapping ever really be used in a trusted resolution?
Chief Systems Architect
Technology Strategies and Standards
Visa International
Phone: +1.650.432.3696   Fax: +1.650.554.6817
-----Original Message-----
From: Dave McAlpin [mailto:Dave.McAlpin@epok.net]
Sent: Thursday, November 18, 2004 6:51 AM
To: Davis, Peter; Wachob, Gabe
Cc: xri-editors@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: RE: [xri-editors] URI authority resolution

Right. I assumed the XRI would be something like xri://xri.wachob.com/foo, where xri.wachob.com was just responsible for answering XRI requests. If that seems too burdensome, I'd be fine with something like xri://wachob.com/foo converting to http://wachob.com/XRIDescriptor.xml. The main thing I'm looking for is consistent resolution for both XRI authorities and URI authorities.

From: Davis, Peter [mailto:peter.davis@neustar.biz]
Sent: Thu 11/18/2004 7:10 AM
To: Wachob, Gabe
Cc: xri-editors@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: Re: [xri-editors] URI authority resolution

hmm... this would require careful consideration of a unique webserver
deployment, and preclude authorities (such as 'personal' ones) from
legitimately offering and XRIAuthority of xri://peterd.us/xri

In your example, it is more than likely that http://wachob.com also
service html content. presently, the HTTP resolve request does not
convey 'what' it is asking for... we simply expect that an authority
publishes an address which only services resolve requests... something
http://wachob.com may not (want to) do.

maybe this is a non-issue, if the user opts to express their authority
as an HTTP URI?

just a thought.

--- peterd

On Wed, 2004-11-17 at 19:20, Wachob, Gabe wrote:
> Dave McAlpin had suggested we want to come up with a better method for
> resolution for XRIs with URI authorities (ie DNS or IP addresses) than
> the current method of converting the XRI into a HTTP URL and
> performing the HTTP protocol on the new HTTP URI.
> I do not believe we have discussed an alternative resolution
> mechanism, so here's my proposal:
> 1) Take the authority identifier (an IP address or DNS name) and
> construct a HTTP URI that consists of "http://" + the dns name or IP
> address.
> 2) Perform an HTTP GET on the resulting HTTP URL
> 3) The result of the HTTP GET will be a XRIDescriptor as would
> normally be returned per XRI Authority resolution, possibly signed.
> For example, resolving the authority for xri://wachob.com/foo would
> cause a HTTP GET to http://wachob.com which would result in the XRID
> for xri://wachob.com
> ----------------
> An enhancement to consider would be the use of SRV records (when
> available) when a DNS name is used. The publication of an SRV record
> would be optional, but would allow more flexibility on the part of the
> authority. The process would then be:
> 1) Take the authority identifier which is a DNS name. (if an IP
> address, then use the above algorithm)
> 2) Add _xria._http._tcp to the front of the DNS name (as per SRV spec
> - RFC 2782 http://zvon.org/tmRFC/RFC2782/Output/index.html)
> 3) The resulting domain name and port number (from the resulting SRV
> record) would be used to construct a HTTP URL. Note that the domain
> name could be "xri-specific" allowing use of a generic domain name in
> the XRI, but resulting in a HTTP request (step 4) to a XRI-authority
> specific URL. If the SRV record doesn't exist, then just construct the
> HTTP URL as in the above algorithm.
> 4) Perform an HTTP GET on the resulting HTTP URL (constructed from the
> SRV resolution)
> 5) The result of the HTTP GET will be a XRIDescriptor as would
> normally be returned per XRI Authority resolution, possibly signed.
> So, for example, resolving the authority for xri://wachob.com/foo
> would be cause the following steps:
> 1) Resolve _xria._http._tcp.wachob.com SRV record, resulting in host
> xri-auth.wachob.com port 80
> 2) Perform HTTP GET to xri-auth.wachob.com on port 80 which would
> result in the XRID for xri://wachob.com
> -----
> Please let me know what people think about these proposals and whether
> they are worth the effort to include in the resolution specification.
>         -Gabe
> __________________________________________________
> gwachob@visa.com
> Chief Systems Architect
> Technology Strategies and Standards
> Visa International
> Phone: +1.650.432.3696   Fax: +1.650.554.6817
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