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Subject: FW: Announce: OpenID Authentication Draft 12 (finally)

In case anyone is wondering why XRI has to be done ASAP...


-----Original Message-----
From: specs-bounces@openid.net [mailto:specs-bounces@openid.net] On Behalf
Of Josh Hoyt
Sent: Monday, August 27, 2007 5:21 PM
To: OpenID specs list; OpenID general list
Subject: Announce: OpenID Authentication Draft 12 (finally)

Hello OpenID community,

I'm happy to announce draft 12 of the OpenID Authentication 2.0
specification [1]. It's been a long time [2] since the previous draft,
and it's past time that we get the work that has been done out, so
that users and developers can benefit from OpenID 2.0.

In the next month, we'd like to see implementers update their
libraries or applications to be draft 12 compliant and perform
interoperability testing. Once this period is over (October 1st), we
should call the specification final, pending final IPR clearance from
contributors. If we have IPR clearance by that point, we can call the
spec final on October 1st.

In the past, we've had timelines proposed and slipped. I don't think
there's any reason for that to happen in this case, and I hope that
the community will hold the editors accountable.

Let's get this done!

Josh Hoyt <josh@janrain.com>
OpenID: http://j3h.us/

1. http://openid.net/specs/openid-authentication-2_0-12.html

2. http://openid.net/pipermail/specs/2007-January/001155.html

3. Major changes to the OpenID authentication specification, draft 11
to draft 12:

    * Specify handling of URL fragments

    * Realm verification using XRDS discovery

    * Don't allow unencrypted secret exchange unless operating with
      transport layer encryption
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