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xslt-conformance message

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Subject: Re: Testing Harness Proposal

At 00/06/02 15:11 -0700, Eduardo Gutentag wrote:
>Please accept my humblest apologies if this has already been discussed

It was only discussed in the brief meeting in San Jose where I shared my 
feelings about the work we did with XML conformance.

>and it's a moot point (although it couldn't be moot since there can't have
>been a vote...),

Right ... we haven't yet voted on the scope, but in my proposed 
deliverables I specifically left out a testing harness.  I believe our 
objective is solely to assemble, produce and publish the tests and the 
report ... nothing else.

I anticipate organizations like Carmelo's and Lynda's to validate our 
efforts by successfully using what we produce ... but at an arm's 
length.  It is very important to the committee that f they can successfully 
use what we've created, then we will have succeeded at our task.  I think 
with the new rules coming we may need a *third* organization to put our 
report into production use in order to claim acceptance ... but we'll 
address that when the time comes.

I do not see testing or certification or judgements to be at all in scope 
for our work.

>but it was my impression that testing harness is just outside
>of the scope of this TC --

This is my firm belief as well.

>all this without in any way impinging on the
>value of IQTest.

I agree!  The technology looks very interesting.

..................... Ken

G. Ken Holman                    mailto:gkholman@CraneSoftwrights.com
Crane Softwrights Ltd.             http://www.CraneSoftwrights.com/m/
Box 266, Kars, Ontario CANADA K0A-2E0   +1(613)489-0999   (Fax:-0995)
Web site: XSL/XML/DSSSL/SGML services, training, libraries, products.
Practical Transformation Using XSLT and XPath      ISBN 1-894049-04-7
Next instructor-led training:    2000-06-12,2000-06-13,2000-09-19/20,
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