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Subject: [xslt-conformance] Minutes for October Teleconference 2001-10-1613:00-15:00EDT

OASIS XSLT/XPath Conformance Voting Member Meeting

Minutes for October Teleconference 2001-10-16 13:00-15:00EDT

Roll call and quorum
     Martin Chamberlen, Microsoft Corporation (guest)
     Crisman Cooley, Overdomain
     Kirill Gavrylyuk, Microsoft Corporation
     Lofton Henderson
     G. Ken Holman, Crane Softwrights Ltd. (chair)
     Pranav Kandula, Microsoft Corporation (observer)
     David Marston, Lotus Development Corp.
     Carmelo Montanez, NIST
     Ben Robb, cScape
     Stan Swaren, Pelican Inquiry (observer)
     Lynda VanVleet, Class Integrated Quality, Inc.
     Norm Walsh, Sun Microsystems, Inc.

  - amendments
    - none
  - motion to accept
    - moved: Carmelo 2nd: Lynda

Minutes of the last meeting
  - review of minutes of last meeting
  - motion to accept minutes of meeting
    - moved: David 2nd: Carmelo

  - Stan Swaran to become voting member at end of this meeting
  - Pranav Kandula is now an observer until end of 3rd meeting or Dec. 15
    (Kirill is anticipating dropping voting status when Pranav achieves 
voting status)

Reports of standing committees:
  - Comparing Output and Role of Canonical XML - Lynda, Carmelo, Kirill
    - no report today
  - Discretionary Items - Dave, Kirill
    - looked at more xsl:output and documented more gray-area issues on 
character encoding
    - may need to defer some nuances of output discretion
    - postpone discussion of xsl:output and format-number() areas until 
after number test release
  - Web Site Maintenance - Carmelo, Lynda
    - some documents have been added
    - some repairs to be made

Outstanding action items
  - 20000906-ACT-8: (Ken) model and prototype XML report and exclusion instance
  - 20000906-ACT-9: (Carmelo) model and prototype rendition control 
instance and XHTML production working with Ken's results
  - 20010213-ACT-5: (Kirill) document proposed HTML information set processes
    - considering publishing a web service to provide HTML information sets
  - 20010514-ACT-1: (Carmelo) test review tracking methodology and 
    - ready to begin working with real data
  - 20010711-ACT-1: (All) review prototypes as posted
  - 20010711-ACT-2: (All) review Cris's draft prose of policy documents
    - closed
  - 20010711-ACT-3: (Carmelo) post requirements for information required 
for human-legible report
    - closed
  - 20010711-ACT-5: (Ken) propose new document referencing models
  - 20010711-ACT-6: (Kirill) a prototype test bench for internal committee use
    - in progress
  - 20010914-ACT-1: (Dave) - receive components of the "Pilot Edition for 
Review and Comment"
    - still waiting some inputs
  - 20010914-ACT-2: (Ken) - prepare announcement information with OASIS 
    - announcement on web site for Dee to pick up for newsletter

Agenda items
  - resolution that the committee allow non-committee-member OASIS members 
to be subscribed to the committee mail list
    - moved: Cris 2nd: Ben
  - status of package items
    - Cris's 2 policy documents: submission policy and review policy
      - posted
    - Stan's 1 submission procedure document
      - draft in to Dave
      - new version to posted
    - Ben's 1 regime configuration document
      - Thursday post of first draft
    - Ken's MSDOS-based platform for catalogue validation and submission
      - Kirill - "users should run with non-validating XML processor"
               - possible problems with validation algorithm
    - Lynda's test lab guidelines
      - in outline form needing further
    - Dave's developer guidelines
      - questionnaire posted
    - Dave's narrative to support XSLT test regime
      - mostly incorporated into Stan's document
    - Ken to include Lotus and Microsoft number tests as example catalogues
      - work with Kirill on any validation discrepencies
      - await Dave's submission of Lotus tests
    - additional comments
      - vague area about individual viewer process w.r.t. either 
disagreement or further analysis
      - critical area of when a submitter will be given back a remanded test
      - decided that both accept or both reject is okay, anything else 
brought to the committee for disposition at the next committee meeting
  - conference in December
    - tentative public informational meeting Thursday evening

New and old action items for next meeting
  - 20000906-ACT-8: (Ken) model and prototype XML report and exclusion instance
  - 20000906-ACT-9: (Carmelo) model and prototype rendition control 
instance and XHTML production working with Ken's results
  - 20010213-ACT-5: (Kirill) document proposed HTML information set processes
  - 20010514-ACT-1: (Carmelo) test review tracking methodology and 
  - 20010711-ACT-1: (All) review prototypes as posted
  - 20010711-ACT-6: (Kirill) a prototype test bench for internal committee use
  - 20010914-ACT-1: (Dave) - receive components of the "Pilot Edition for 
Review and Comment"
  - 20010914-ACT-2: (Ken) - prepare announcement information with OASIS 
  - 20011016-ACT-1: (All) - various preparations for draft package release

Next meeting dates
  - November 20, 2001 13:00-15:00EST teleconference
  - December 17, 2001 14:00-16:00EST teleconference


  - 14:20

G. Ken Holman                      mailto:gkholman@CraneSoftwrights.com
Crane Softwrights Ltd.               http://www.CraneSoftwrights.com/s/
Box 266, Kars, Ontario CANADA K0A-2E0     +1(613)489-0999   (Fax:-0995)
Web site:     XSL/XML/DSSSL/SGML/OmniMark services, training, products.
Book:  Practical Transformation Using XSLT and XPath ISBN 1-894049-06-3
Article: What is XSLT? http://www.xml.com/pub/2000/08/holman/index.html
Next public training (instructor-live, Internet-live, and web-based):
-                        2001-10-22,11-01,11-02,11-05,11-19,12-09,12-10

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