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Subject: Re: [xslt-conformance] More about packaging (includes design question)

At 01/10/16 15:13 -0400, David_Marston@lotus.com wrote:
>We are anticipating two milestones where we release a package in the
>form of a ZIP file. The first one is the release of a Call For
>Submissions, accompanied by a "validation environment" aimed at
>submitters of test cases. Later, we'll release a Pilot Edition of the
>test system, whose primary audience is the test lab.

Thank you, David, for articulating the difference here ... I like this use 
of terminology and I've been having problems with terminology lateley.

>I had pictured the validation environment release as being one ZIP
>containing about 20-22 files, with no subdirectory structure. If we
>want to provide the preliminary Lotus and Microsoft submissions as
>examples, then we start to resemble the Pilot structure.

I like the idea of our Validation structure being a subset of the Pilot 
structure since the final delivery will have all structures in place.  This 
reveals (and gets feedback on) structures now that we can use in 
determining the final structures later.

>At our meeting today, we progressed on our discussion of structure to
>the point where we need tree diagrams. Here is my current picture of
>what we said about the Pilot release.

(talent-revealing drawing elided; good job done with crude tools)

>Group M includes files for general audiences.

I'm curious the use of "M" ... "main"?

>Group S includes most of the documents that we have been polishing off
>lately (submission policy, etc.) and the various DTDs and stylesheets
>that pertain to cataloging test cases, otherwise known (to us) as the
>validation environment.
>Group O


>includes the document about setting up and running the test
>suite, plus the files that perform rendition, InfoSetizing,
>canonicalization, etc.
>The "tests" subdirectory has no documents because they all go into the
>"operate" subdirectory. Actually, it might warrant a README anyway to
>explain what's in it and to refer to the test lab guide for more info.

Yes, I think each main directory should have its own README.

>Now, on to the DESIGN QUESTION: do you want to have the Call For
>Submissions package use the big directory structure above?

Absolutely ... this will give us feedback to determine if we want to follow 
through in the end with the same structure.  Draft or outline versions of 
any files we already have for any subdirectory can be included to give 
users a picture of what is coming.

Thanks, David!

........................ Ken

G. Ken Holman                      mailto:gkholman@CraneSoftwrights.com
Crane Softwrights Ltd.               http://www.CraneSoftwrights.com/s/
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