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Subject: 6/8 ACXO minutes and new call info


I probably missed some things, but I think I got most of it.

I'd like to compile a list of contact numbers for everyone
involved in this coming week's activities.  I listed numbers
that I know of in the minutes.  Please check and send me any
corrections.  I know some of this info will change for those
in Europe, but since everyone is leaving at different times,
some of this is still valid for at least 24 hours, after which
those in Europe can update their availability information.

Please note the following new call information:

        Dates:                  Daily, including weekend, 6/9-6/16
        Time:                   10am PDT, 7pm CET
        Number, America:        1-888-422-7132
        Number, International:  1-334-264-8326
        ID:                     160292
        Problems:               1-800-526-2655

			XML.ORG Advisory Committee Meeting

Meeting Date:	6/8/2000
Meeting Time:	11 am PDT
Call number:	888-469-1053


    Nagwa Abdelghfour	650-786-6808          nagwa.abdelghfour@eng.sun.com
			408-203-4787 (cell)
    Karl Best		978-667-5115 x 206    karl.best@oasis-open.org
			978-758-7976 (cell)
    Brian Eisenberg	425-462-1999	      BrianE@DataChannel.com
			425.652.5694 (cell)
    Anne Hendry		650-786-5482          anne.hendry@eng.sun.com
			650-303-2283 (cell)
    Una Kearns		925-600-5419          una.kearns@documentum.com
			415-235-6498 (cell)
    Michael Murray	925-600-5408          michael.murray@documentum.com
    Simon Nicholson	650-786-4238          simon.nicholson@eng.sun.com
    Walter Parton	925-600-6800          walter.parton@documentum.com
    Laura Walker	978-667-5115 x 201    laura.walker@oasis-open.org
    Michael Weiner	408-777-5833          mweiner@us.ibm.com
			408-268-3524 (cell)


    Milestone						Date
    ---------						----
    Machine available at iStructure for Reg/Rep update	6/9 EOB PDT
    Reg/Rep software installed and configured		6/12 AM PDT
    Machine tested and available for submissions	6/12 midnight PDT/
							6/13 9AM CET
    Submissions complete				6/14 PM PDT/CET
    Live availability / announcement			6/15 AM CET


    1) Hosting
       The contract with iStructure was signed at 8:30 last night.
       They are in the process of installing and configuring the
       hardware.  They have been told that we have a Friday EOB
       deadline for getting access to the machine.  They have
       not yet given us a firm commitment to meet that deadline
       but appear to be working hard to make it.  They do not have
       a T1 line available until Thursday, but we will work with
       them to use a lesser connection or other means to transfer
       the software updates and documents to them until then.
       They do have a person that knows LDAP, which should help
       speed up configuration.  The person Karl has been working
       with is Doug Crougar (sp?) but he will not be our permanent
       contact.  They've been asked to set up 4 accounts (root,
       OASIS, Sun, Documentum) for setup access, and the domain
       name of regrep.xml.org (now to be registry.xml.org).
       AI 20000608.01: Walter
	   Communicate with iStructure to get more information on
	   their projected availability date/time.  We will ask for
	   an update this afternoon and tomorrow morning/midday.
	   Report progress.
       The machine is available the development group will
       update and configure the registry/repository software.
       The current schedule has this being done over the weekend.
       Monday will be used for final testing (1/2/day) and any
       tweaks that need to be made before submissions can start.
       Machine should be able to made ready for submissions by
       midnight Monday PST (Tuesday AM, CET).

       AI 20000608.02: Karl
	   Ask iStructure for weekend engineering support 6/10-11.
	   Alert iStructure to change in domain name (from regrep
	   to registry.)  Also ask for critical stand-by support
	   over next week (Tuesday on), given that this is our
	   go-live week, particularly the 24 hours from Wednesday
	   morning through Thursday morning (go-live day here and
	   abroad).  Check with iStructure on how to access for
	   submissions, and arrange link to registry.xml.org.

     2) Database population

	We should be able to start submissions (or at least submitter
	requests) on Tuesday, PDT, to be available for Karl to review
	Wednesday AM, CET.  Brian will coordinate the submissions process
	with a target completion date of Thursday AM, CET.  Everyone
	responsible for submissions (so far, this is Brian, Michael
	and Karl) should designate someone that will be in Europe as
	a backup, who will be armed with a copy of the data to be
	submitted, as a backup to the U.S. group.
	AI 20000608.03: Brian: Coordinate submissions process.

     3) Go Live

	Karl will coordinate hooking up the xml.org site to the new
	registry/repository.  He will need a decision by the ACXO.
	We did not designate a decision-making process.  This has
	to be done by Wednesday at the latest.  I, as note-taker,
	am assigning this action item to Laura.  :)

	AI 20000608.04	Laura: Coordinate GoLive decision process.

     4) Coordination

	A daily conference call has been set up to facilitate
	communication between Europe and U.S.:

	Dates:			Daily, including weekend, 6/9-6/16
	Time:			10am PDT, 7pm CET
	Number, America:	1-888-422-7132
	Number, International:	1-334-264-8326
	ID:			160292
	Problems:		1-800-526-2655

	AI 20000608.05	Anne: Compile contact list.

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