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Subject: Notes on Websockets WD 03
Hi guys, I have noted the following on the web wd 03 document: - Abstract, 2nd para, 2nd sentence - sub-protocols should be subprotocols Same in sect 3.1 4th para, sect 5.1 2nd para, sect 5.2 2nd para, sect 7 1st para - Sect 1, 2nd para, 2nd sentence - "in-turn" should be "in turn" - Sect 1, 3rd para, 1st bullet - "pass-through" should be "pass through" - Sect 1, 4th para, "Web Sockets" should be "WebSocket" - Sect 1.2, 1st item - it looks like there's an odd character inside the [AMQP] - Sect 2.1, 3rd and 4th para - one says protocol, the other says sub-protocol. Which is it? If the latter, should be subprotocol. (I know [XMPPWS] says sub-protocol -it's wrong ;-) - Sect 2.2, 2nd para "there MAY be potentiallyŠ" is redundant; remove "potentially" - Sect 2.3 - why are the 2 HTTP example sequences labeled as Figures, but the figure in sect 1 isn't and the protocol visualization in this section isn't? Same question for section 3.4, 4.1, 4.2, 6.1 (additionally, sect 6.1 labels them Figure X and Figure Y instead of real numbers) - Sect 3 - the sentence would be clearer written as a set of bullets, such as: To establish a connection: 1. open the WebSocket Protocol connection 2. perform a SASL authentication exchange, and 3. open the AMQP connection. The following sections explain these steps. - Sect 5.1 - para 1 and 3 are almost the same except for AMQP type code value. Which one is it? Para 2 and 4 seem pretty close too. Sect 5.2 has the same issue. - Sect 6, 2nd para, 3rd sentence - what is a "majority finished transmission"? - Sect 7 has a TODO label - what to do with this? - Sect 8 - can this be resolved between CSD and CS?
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