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Subject: Re: [amqp-ms] May be of interest: The RFP for the OOI Federated Messaging System was released last week

Am 11.07.2012 um 21:33 schrieb Matthew Arrott:

> For clarification: Rob asked the following:
> [The RFP] seems to say that AMQP 0.9.1 is required, and only that “Proposer shall describe their plans for support of AMQP 1.0 and the expected timing, path and costs (if known) to transition to an AMQP 1.0 solution.”
> This is the correct reading. The selection process will depend on the proposal's answer to the migration path to 1.0. It was our assessment that we could not make AMQP 1.0 a hard requirement in advance of it being ratified (thus the softer wording).

The final AMQP 1.0 spec of the AMQP WG exists since last year and it wasn't changed since then. We've spend the time with formatting the spec (basically). There is actually no reason to *require* AMQP 0.9.1 especially since you are one of the chairs from whom I expect a 100% dedication towards 1.0. Making 0.9.1 mandatory in such a big project damages AMQP 1.0 even more. This is a slap into the face for everyone spending money and work into implementing AMQP 1.0. Thanks for that, Matt!

Andreas Mueller
IIT Software GmbH, Bremen/Germany

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