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Subject: OASIS Interop demo planning

Steering Committee Members,
OASIS is asking all Member Section Steering Committees to facilitate at least one Interoperability Demonstration in 2013. We hope you will add this issue to your StC agenda.

Interop Demos showcase multi-vendor implementations of approved OASIS work at industry conferences or other public events. The Interops are typically staged in a trade show booth but may also take place as part of a conference program. The full Interop policy is at: https://www.oasis-open.org/policies-guidelines/interop

Facilitating Interops--particularly Interops involving multiple TCs--offers a good way for Steering Committees to deliver value to members. The Interops:
 - promote our work
 - encourage cross-TC collaboration
 - provide more value/visibility to members 
 - ensure member renewals and goodwill towards the MS
 - assist in recruiting new members
 - enhance the brand of the MS

As members of the Steering Committee, you probably have good insight into which combination of standards and/or which interoperability scenarios would make for compelling Interops. You may want to reach out to the chairs of TCs affiliated with your MS--and any other OASIS TC--and encourage ideas for Interop scenarios and venues. You may also want to partner with an Association, vertical industry group, or government agency to provide scenario input and collaboration.

The role of the Steering Committee is just to get the Interop off the ground. Interop participants are responsible for coordinating the actual demo details, and OASIS staff (led by Jane Harnad) will coordinate all the logistics and negotiate with conference organizers.

Keep in mind that reserving Interop space at conferences can require a 3-9-month lead time, so it's not too soon to start a dialogue on an Interop for the fall or winter.

We appreciate that each Member Section has its own priorities and goals, but if Interops offer a fit for your needs, we urge you to include them in your MS planning for 2013.


Carol Geyer
Senior Director of Communications and Development

OASIS | Advancing open standards for the information society 
+1.781.425.5073 x209 (Office) | +1.941.284.0403 (Cell)

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