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Subject: Limited discount - 2 for 1 price or a £800 discount for utilities

[The following announcement is being sent on behalf of the Smart Grid Data and Information Management organizers. OASIS is a Supporting Organization for this event.]

Smart Grid Data and Information Management

Wednesday 9th – Thursday 10th May 2012, London, UK


Book now for a limited 2 for 1 price or a £800 discount for utilities to register for £799 + VAT



*Siemens Energy, Inc. and eMeter have been selected to provide a meter data management how to cosystem  (MDMS) for City of Fort Collins Utilities. Siemens will implement eMeter's EnergyIP® MDMS for the utility's Recovery Act stimulus-funded advanced metering project.


The northern Colorado utility serves both electric and water customers. It wanted to partner with a company that could help it develop business process efficiency, enable peak reductions, provide system and operations improvements and give customers more flexibility.


SMi are pleased to announce their 2nd annual conference on Smart Grid Data and Information Management on the 9th – 10th May in London. With the smart grid and smart meter roll out expanding throughout Europe utilities will need to manage how they handle all this data – how to store it and convert it into useful information which can be used to make more profit, locate faults, and make the customer savings.


Why should you attend this event?

Meet and network with key industry players

The smart grid represents a great opportunity to bring about a  paradigm shift in the way in which consumers use electricity and  understand their consumption habits. However the way in which smart  meters' systems are designed and deployed present numerous  challenges and risks for consumers. Data and information management  is only one of them, but indeed one of the most important. This data  from hundreds of different sources must be turned into information  is analyzed and integrated in a manner that leads to action  and results for the consumer and utility.

Massive amounts of data is forecast to swap the existing infrastructure with the immenient roll out of the smart meter world wide. This poses a new challenge to all those involved. It has been mentioned the energy economy has moved on from a power economy to a data and power economy, which has the possibility of being of great value to customers, consumers, providers, and generators, if managed correctly. This is a new area, full of variability, differing expectations and goals. This conference aims to discuss how to maximise this opportunity.

Key speakers who will discuss this include:

·         Chris Harris, Head of Retail Regulation, RWE

·         David Openshaw, Head of Future Networks, UKPN

·         Einar Hoffmann, Managing IT Architect, DONG Energy A/S

·         Johan Soderbom, R&D Manager, Vattenfall AB

·         Frans Campfens, Senior Staff Consultant Smart Grids, Alliander

·         Martin Hill, Future Networks Manager Network Development, Scottish Power Energy Networks



The practical challenges of extracting value from a tsunami of Smart Grid data

8th May 2012, The Grange Holborn Hotel, London.



Visit http://www.smi-online.co.uk/smart-grid-data8.asp

Or contact Shilan Chandi for more information or to secure your place

Tel: +44 (0) 20 7827 6738 or email: schandi@smi-online.co.uk


Group booking discounts also available!


Promotional Opportunities 
SMi Group offers excellent opportunities to profile your company through tailored sponsorship and branding packages.


For details contact Jules Omura on Tel +44 (0) 20 7827 6018 or email:





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