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Subject: [autorepair] [autorepair-arch] How to use the meta data?
Dear member of SC2, At the last meeting we had a constructive discussion about the meta data approach. For the Aftermarket it is very important to get a working system at the end of this project. We have produced the attached paper in order to start the discussion about a test implementation. We can try to implement such a "test system", but our resources are very much limited and we are not able to run a "real system". Herewith we address to the implementation of the project results which is not a direct component of the OASIS project itself. Since the EC Commission has also to ensure the question of implementation of the results in order to fulfil the provisions of the 98/69/EC across the member states, our proposal would be one considerable possibility. However, the TC has to decide about it. Kind regards Ralph Mermagen Referent EDV Deutsches Kfz-Gewerbe Franz-Lohe-Str. 21 53129 Bonn Tel.: +49 (0) 22 8 / 91 27 - 217 Fax: +49 (0) 22 8 / 91 27 - 6217 mailto:mermagen@kfzgewerbe.de http://www.kfzgewerbe.de
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