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Subject: RE: [bcm] Groups - BCM.TC Agenda.2003-11-10.pdf uploaded

I like the clear language and category breakdown.  I think, however, that we
should be careful about highlighting benefits that would also be claimed by
many other approaches -- e.g., do business cost effective manner.  The goal
is to help the readers understand why they should pay special attention to
BCM.  Therefore, either the benefits should be unique or the way of
achieving them should be specific to BCM.  I think benefits that revolve
around semantic interoperability (semantic mappings in Mike's list),
transparency, and impact on business relationships among CoIs fit the bill.
Not that the other benefits aren't also significant.  


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Friday, November 14, 2003 9:51 AM
To: carlmattocks@checkmi.com; BPeat@eProcessSolutions.com
Cc: bcm@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: RE: [bcm] Groups - BCM.TC Agenda.2003-11-10.pdf uploaded

Hi Carl and Team,

Like what you have done.  It is a good summarization of the specification.  

What I would like to suggest is my thoughts on why someone would want to use
the BCM from a enterprise,  business, technical and customer perspective.  

Overall Enterprise Environment benefit:  Allows multiple enterprises to
exchange a stable semantic information architecture that allows people and
machines to share knowledge transfer mechanisms "within control choices" to
deliver best value to their heterogeneous customer, base on changing market
conditions or new business case.


1.  Agile:  The ability to exploit business drivers to achieve market
2.  Aware:  The ability to discover what going on in the market and act
3.  Efficient:  The ability to do business in a cost effective manor.


1.  Analysis:  The ability to identify the impact of change and deploy
capability responsively.
2.  Context:  The ability to use metadata and semantic mappings to exploit
the common and mediate differences.
3.  Reuse:  The ability to identify redundant activities and refractor into
common services.


1.  Best value:  Reason to continue to do business with my organization
versus competitor.
2.  Communications:  Different dialogues but semantic exchange precise.   

What do you all think of my thoughts related to benefits.


-----Original Message-----
From: Carl Mattocks [mailto:carlmattocks@checkmi.com]
Sent: Thursday, November 13, 2003 5:36 PM
To: BPeat@eProcessSolutions.com
Cc: bcm@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: Re: [bcm] Groups - BCM.TC Agenda.2003-11-10.pdf uploaded

Please peruse the first draft of the BCM trifold..
Hopefully we can reach agreement on required changes by December 1 so that
OASIS PR folk can complete their review before our XML 2003 open house.

Carl Mattocks CEO CHECKMi
Operational Intelligence OEM
e-Business Agents
Semantically Smart Compendiums
v/f (usa) 908 322 8715

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