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Subject: RE: [bcm] Blueprint Artifact layers, Enterprise Agility

Coming out of Unisys a couple of years ago, I know something about the
Blueprinting effort and related methodologies (I was involved in creating
some of them).  This is really about trying to "productize" their consulting
services.  I'd be happy to do a little research to bring my information
about this up to date and report at the next telcon.  


-----Original Message-----
From: Carl Mattocks [mailto:carlmattocks@checkmi.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, December 02, 2003 11:09 AM
Subject: [bcm] Blueprint Artifact layers, Enterprise Agility


Please review this description of UNISYS Blueprint Artifacts  ... I am sure
you will find an easy acceptance of their multi-layered approach.

Perhaps we should look at their research on Enterprise Agility and consider
if BCM has all that is required


Carl Mattocks CEO CHECKMi
Operational Intelligence OEM
e-Business Agents
Semantically Smart Compendiums
v/f (usa) 908 322 8715

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