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Subject: Re: [bcm] BCM Brochure final draft - update

Works for me.  Love the IRS example - we may need - (hopefully) - as in -
The best of that breed (hopefully) transforms the complex language and business rules of the IRS into a form that is meaningful to a broad set of customers. 
 ; -)
But it highlights beautifully the problem - #1) I don't think they fully understand what all
their rules really do - #2) and the other area that is completely devoid of documentation
is the flow of how they apply the process of submissions, review, audit, accounting,
etc, and those rules.  Combination there of fear and intrigue - they don't want to go there
least someone scrutinizes their process too closely - or heaven forbid - can then actually
So far they've only applied one small bit of what BCM could do for them...
I'm ready to send this along to Carol and get Holy water sprinkled on it from OASIS
Cheers, DW.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, December 03, 2003 12:02 PM
Subject: [bcm] BCM Brochure final draft - update

Here is a yet more final version. 
Neil Wasserman
Managing Partner
Adaptive Service Engineering
28 Coolidge Rd.
Belmont, MA 02478
tel.:  617-484-4822
mobile: 617-905-1084

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