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bcm message

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Subject: Applying BCM

To help BCM move forward I propose that the next phase of evolution be
focused on 'Applying BCM '. Wherein, the SOA application is specified
using a Specific Type of Business Driver and a Service Oriented set of
Templates / ontology used by Specific type of Community of Interest. In
particular, I suggest that :
Business Driver = COMPLIANCE of information systems, as in, information
reports demanded by Sarbanes Oxley, Patriot Act, etc .
Service Oriented Templates / ontology = XRBRL
[ http://xml.coverpages.org/ni2002-03-05-a.html ]

If we can reach agreement that the next phase is about delivering a
methodology examplar which a majority of Business Service Architects can
'deeply' relate to  - I would be willing to act as co-chair.

Carl Mattocks CEO CHECKMi
Operational Intelligence OEM
e-Business Agents
Semantically Smart Compendiums
v/f (usa) 908 322 8715

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