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Subject: RE: [bcm] Applying BCM

I agree with this sentiment.  BCM has so far provided a general framework
and philosophy for how to deal with interacting communities of interest.  To
make this tangible to implementers and business decision makers, we need to
focus on how BCM applies to particular categories of service interactions
among CoIs.  If we can pick one or two domains in which we as a group have
experience and address service interactions within those domains, then we
can develop templates, methods, and examples that would be meaningful to
those outside our immediate network.  Candidate domains would be egov,
insurance, telecom.  

It would also be helpful to map important interactions with other standards
efforts, CAM, registry, ebXML, egov, etc.  

I would also being will to act as co-chair or otherwise support the work
administratively, with a little help from my friends.  



-----Original Message-----
From: Carl Mattocks [mailto:carlmattocks@checkmi.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2003 7:10 AM
Subject: [bcm] Applying BCM

To help BCM move forward I propose that the next phase of evolution be
focused on 'Applying BCM '. Wherein, the SOA application is specified using
a Specific Type of Business Driver and a Service Oriented set of Templates /
ontology used by Specific type of Community of Interest. In particular, I
suggest that :
Business Driver = COMPLIANCE of information systems, as in, information
reports demanded by Sarbanes Oxley, Patriot Act, etc .
Service Oriented Templates / ontology = XRBRL [
http://xml.coverpages.org/ni2002-03-05-a.html ]

If we can reach agreement that the next phase is about delivering a
methodology examplar which a majority of Business Service Architects can
'deeply' relate to  - I would be willing to act as co-chair.

Carl Mattocks CEO CHECKMi
Operational Intelligence OEM
e-Business Agents
Semantically Smart Compendiums
v/f (usa) 908 322 8715

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