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Subject: Re: [bcm] UIML3.1 v01.02 (Open Issues in UIML3.1 v01.02.pdf) uploaded

Hi Carl
This seems to be very good idea both for the different layouts of standarized UI Meta models of the EPR eFolders steering cards, but also for the UI of remote control process devices beeing discussed in OASIS RCxml TC.
I feel this might be interesting for both the OASIS BCM-EPR SC and the OASIS RCxml TC.
Through my Romanian partner, Eugen Rotariu, in Integrasoft dealing with Remote Control of Smart Home systems and eConferancing, we have allready stanarized several operational User Interfaces that might be converted to UIML user interface templates.
See: http://www.integrasoft.ro
Best regards
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, December 07, 2005 11:12 PM
Subject: [bcm] UIML3.1 v01.02 (Open Issues in UIML3.1 v01.02.pdf) uploaded

Folks especially EPR'ers:

I attended the last UIML TC meeting to identify if there are any implications for our BCM work.

I concluded that there is strong synergy with our approach, especially the ePR initiative - given their focus on 'Templates'.

Carl Mattocks
Consultant : ITIL Application Knowledge Management
MetLife 732 893 4170

'Always look on the bright side of life' Monty Python
----- Forwarded by Carl Mattocks/Bsg/MetLife/US on 12/07/2005 05:01 PM -----

          "James Helms" <jhelms@harmonia.com>

          12/07/2005 04:55 PM

To: jhelms@harmonia.com, uiml@lists.oasis-open.org
cc: limbourg@acm.org, kris.luyten@uhasselt.be, jo.vermeulen@uhasselt.be, mabrams@harmonia.com, vanderdonckt@isys.ucl.ac.be, smackey@harmonia.com, bberry@harmonia.com
Subject: Re: [uiml] Groups - Open Issues in UIML3.1 v01.02 (Open Issues in UIML3.1 v01.02.pdf) uploaded

Hello all,
Included below the dashed line is the annotated list of Open Issues broken out by who has volunteered to take responsibility for each issue. Also attached is the template file for describing each issue. Before you begin filling out the template please look at the Open Issue Document available at
It contains all of the Open Issues, some of which already have somewhat complete descriptions included. It will provide a good starting point for the explanation and clarification you can provide.
Jim Helms.
Dr. Jean Vanderdonckt:
q Should UIML include the definition of transforms in the specification
q Should UIML include Data Models
q Should the UIML Specification Support Optional Template Elements?
Dr. Kris Luyten and Mr. Jo Vermeulen
q How should UIML represent layout
q How to reduce repetition in the definition of UIs
q Is the <listener> element general enough
q Should rendering engines reference specific instances of external objects (with Jim)
q How to access parameterized constructors for widgets and application logic
q Should Template Content Be Distinguished by the Tag?
Dr. Marc Abrams
q How do we represent design patterns in UIML
q How Do I Affect the Sourcing Document from a Template (Template Parameterization)
Mr. Jim Helms
q How to programmatically generate segments of UIML
q Should UIML include inheritance within d-classes and templates
q Should <d-property> tags enumerate acceptable values when there is a constrained set
q How to set properties on <event> tags when throwing an event
q When does the <when-false> action of an <op> tag get evaluated
q Should sub-elements of <behavior> have ids and be able to be referenced?
q How to restrict access to elements within a <template>
q How should <template> elements address components within other <template> elements (With Kris)
q Should the UIML specification have both <equal> and <op>
q How many children should <d-property> tags be allowed
q Where should the name Attribute be replaced and where kept
Mr. Robbie Schaefer
q Should UIML include the notion of variables
q Should UIML incorporate arithmetic logic
q How to handle multiple return values(See attached file: Issue Template.doc)---------------------------------------------------------------------
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