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Subject: BCML


At our next conference call I would like to discuss the goals for creating BCML (Business Centric Methodology Language) which would leverage the CHECKMi work on BAIL (Business Actuator Instruction Language) for Information Assurance and explicitly support the ebXML languages.

Carl Mattocks
Consultant : ITIL Application Knowledge Management
MetLife 732 893 4170

'Always look on the bright side of life' Monty Python
----- Forwarded by Carl Mattocks/Bsg/MetLife/US on 12/09/2005 08:55 AM -----

          "Sally St. Amand" <sallystamand@yahoo.com>

          12/08/2005 10:10 PM

To: "ebSOA" <ebsoa@lists.oasis-open.org>
Subject: [ebsoa] Fwd: [ebxml-bp] ebxml-jc 12/8/2005: Conformance for and compatibility between ebXML Specs

HI all
I think this relates to our interest in standards convergence and working with the other TCs who are pursuing the same or similar goals we are.


Monica J Martin <Monica.Martin@Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 07 Dec 2005 13:53:55 -0800
From: Monica J Martin <Monica.Martin@Sun.COM>
To: ebxml-jc@lists.oasis-open.org, ebXML BP <ebxml-bp@lists.oasis-open.org>,
ebXML Regrep <regrep@lists.oasis-open.org>,
ebxml-cppa@lists.oasis-open.org, ebxml-msg@lists.oasis-open.org,
iic <ebxml-iic@lists.oasis-open.org>, ebsoa@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: [ebxml-bp] ebxml-jc 12/8/2005: Conformance for and compatibility between ebXML

First, forgive the cross-posting.

There are some points that may be of interest to consider for the
specifications originally part of the ebXML framework. As a followup to
the ebxml-jc meeting today, see the reference on the conformance and
usage profile statements in the working draft of ebMS v3.0. We have
discussed conformance and compatibility (historical loose coupling and
high alignment) of the specifications of the ebXML framework recently in
CPP/A and ebBP. To a more limited extent, this is also a question for
Reg/Rep to consider.

>ebMS v3.0 draft reference - Document Description:
>Draft of a conformance Appendix section for ebMS3 (Dec 7, 2005).
>View Document Details:
>Download Document:
(Note: There is no public post on this draft document).

For ebBP, we discussed the minimum set of requirements for our technical
specification and how it could be used with others in the ebXML
framework. We attempted to show the value of the specification itself
and recognizing additional value with use with other technologies and in
the context of compatibility with ebXML framework. Here is an excerpt
from the draft text for information:

As with all the other specifications in the ebXML framework, an ebBP process definition may be effectively used with other technologies. From
the onset, these specifications have sought to be aligned as much as practical and capable of being composed together and capable of being
used with other technologies. That flexibility and composability are important aspects not only to the adoption of these standards but their
effective use and successful deployment into heterogeneous environments and across domains.

In the context of this technical specification, Business Collaborations may be executed using the ebBP process definition and/or used with other
technologies. As it relates to the other specifications in the ebXML framework, an ebBP process definition supports the loose coupling and
alignment needed to execute Business Collaborations. This specification may also be used when several other software components are used to
enable the execution of Business Collaborations. One example is the use of web services mapped to business transactions activities. The ebBP
technical specification is used to specify the business process related configuration parameters for configuring a BSI to execute and monitor
these collaborations. The ebBP business semantics and syntax are also well-suited to enable definition of modular process building blocks that
are combined in complex activities to meet user community needs. [1]

I'd encourage some thoughts and suggestions on simple yet consistent
(not exact but compatible) statements that may help effectively
communicate the value of each specification while also show they can be
effectively used together where required and configured as needed.

[1] Reference:
Spec pr r02:
As amended by our recent discussion on composability (and its

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