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Subject: RE: F2f meeting

> It seems that Pal's notes do not agree with mine (yes, I am still
> causing problems:-) I got the impression that we agreed on
> re-introducing the "arranging a meeting" use case and not the
> "coordinating web services" one. Can anyone else clarify this?

My recollection is that both were going back in, with some renaming of the
web-services one. I can't find anything in my notes on this, though they
(the notes) do say that I was going to write up a use case clarifying an
out-of-stock example  and/or something on different ways of undoing. I'm
doing the main document revision first though.


Peter Furniss
Technical Director, Choreology Ltd
email:  peter.furniss@choreology.com
phone:  +44 20 7670 1679
direct: +44 20 7670 1783
mobile: 07951 536168
13 Austin Friars, London EC2N 2JX

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