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bt-workflow message

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Subject: Ideas for workflow subcommittee charter

Now that the mailing lists are setup, we can start exchanging ideas on the
scope and deliverables of workflow subcommittee. I would like to suggest
the following as initial ideas for the workflow subcommittee charter:
	1) Research 
		- transaction models that are developed for or/and used in workflow systems
		- identify the usage and need for Business Transaction Protocol(BTP) in
workflow, and collaborative workflow like systems

	2) Provide material for requirements subcommittee including but not
limited to 
		- requirements for transactions in workflow
		- role of workflow enactment vs business transactions
		- workflow BTP use-cases

	3) Liaise with groups/organizations developing 
		- workflow standards
		- workflow transaction models.

Please do provide comments, suggestions and additions.


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