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Subject: Re: [cacao] CACAO Validator

For example the debug output looks like this:

cat testdata1.json | go run validator.go --debug
Object valid:  false
Error Cound:  1

++ the type property is required and is present
++ the type property does contain a value of playbook or playbook-template
++ the spec_version property is required and is present
++ the id property is required and is present
++ the name property is required and is present
++ the playbook_types property is required and is present
++ the playbook_types property contains a value of "prevention" that is in the vocabulary
-- the playbook_types property contains a value of "test" that is not in the vocabulary
++ the created_by property is required and is present
++ the created property is required and is present
++ the created property contains a valid timestamp
++ the modified property is required and is present
++ the modified property contains a valid timestamp
++ the valid_from property contains a valid timestamp
++ the valid_until property contains a valid timestamp
++ the valid_until timestamp is later than the valid_from timestamp
++ the priority property contains a valid timestamp
++ the severity property contains a valid timestamp
++ the impact property contains a valid timestamp

The non debug output only shows you the things wrong

cat testdata1.json | go run validator.go
Object valid:  false
Error Cound:  1

-- the playbook_types property contains a value of "test" that is not in the vocabulary


On Oct 4, 2021, at 5:23 PM, Bret Jordan <bj@ctin.us> wrote:


I have started work on a validator for CACAO playbooks [1]. I just have some simple rules in there for the meta data right now. I will be adding to it as I get time. This stand along tool (statically compiled) allows you to pipe CACAO JSON data into the tool and it will tell you if the data is valid.

I am open to any suggestions or comments, especially about the output that comes from the tool.

cat testdata1.json | validator

# To get help
./validator âhelp

[1] - https://github.com/openplaybooks/libcacao/tree/master/cmd/validator

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