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Subject: RE: [cgmo-webcgm] features missing 2-pass criteria

I have downloaded the latest matrix from the CGMOpen ftp site and inserted
our latest test results / status.  To not potentially mix up different
versions of the file I send it by mail for further processing.


P.S.: I will only be able to join the telco for 15 min today but will call

-----Original Message-----
From: Lofton Henderson [mailto:lofton@rockynet.com] 
Sent: Dienstag, 10. November 2009 17:25
To: cgmo-webcgm@lists.oasis-open.org
Cc: David Cruikshank
Subject: [cgmo-webcgm] features missing 2-pass criteria

I'm looking at the most recent implementation matrix [1] and I have a
[1] ftp://ftp.cgmlarson.com/new21-matrix-master.html

As expected, these at-risk features will probably get dropped:
1.)  ACI Line Type Continuation
2.)  ACI Edge Type Continuation
3.)  XCF access to transform stuff.

However, we also are missing 2-pass on these features!!!
4.) ACI Line & Edge Type Definition	
5.) ACI Hatch Style Definition

We also put those "at risk".

Do we really intend to abandon both of those?!  IIRC, they were 
top-priority items for Boeing.

The matrix shows that Ulrich was going to implement at least the LETD.

Neither of these is difficult, if you stick to basics as the test does.



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Title: WebCGM 2.1 new-tests Implementation Matrix

WebCGM 2.1 New-test Implementation Matrix
19 October 2009

Latest version:
This version:
Previous version:


This document describes the results of WebCGM 2.1 implementations tested against the module of new 2.1 tests of the WebCGM 2.1 Test Suite.

Information about the implementations and a legend explaining the table are found after the table.

new2.1 tests — new tests of features new to WebCGM 2.1

Test Name IsoView
MetaWeb Comments
aciDefaultFont (chgd 9/2) Fail** Pass Fail** Pass cgm fixed(9/2)
aciSimpleFontSubsitution (chgd 9/2) Fail** Pass Fail** Pass cgm fixed(9/2)
aciForceSubstitution (chgd 9/2) Fail** Pass Fail** Pass cgm fixed(9/2)
aciFontNormalization (chgd 9/2) Fail** Pass Fail** Pass cgm fixed(9/2)
aciGenericFonts (chgd 9/2) Fail** Pass Fail** Pass cgm fixed(9/2)
aciMapListOrder (chgd 9/2) Fail** Pass Fail** Pass cgm fixed(9/2)
aciLineAttr (chgd 9/2) Fail** Pass Partial Partial See note sdi1
aciEdgeAttr (chgd 9/2) Fail** Pass Partial Partial See note sdi2
aciMitreLimit (chgd 9/2) Fail** Pass Pass Fail png line width fixed(9/2)
aciRestrictedTextType (chgd 9/2) Fail** Pass Pass Pass cgm, png fixed(9/2)
aciLineEdgeTypeDef (chgd 9/2) Fail** Pass Fail(2010)** Pass html fixed(9/2)
aciHatchStyleDef (chgd 9/2) Fail** Pass Fail(2010)** Fail cgm, png fixed(9/2)
setGetBGColor Partial(-) Pass Pass Pass n/c
setGetTextStyles (8/26 chgd) Fail** Pass Pass Pass FC fixed test (8/26)
setGetIntensity Fail Partial(11/1) Pass Fail n/c
setGetLineStyles2.0 (8/31 chgd) Fail** Pass Pass Partial FC chgd cgm,png(8/31)
setGetFillStyles2.0 (8/31 chgd) Fail** Pass Pass Partial FC chgd cgm,png(8/31)
setGetStrokeType (8/31 chgd) Fail** Pass Pass Fail FC chgd cgm,png(8/31)
setGetStrokeOffset Fail Pass Pass Fail n/c
setGetInteriorStyle Fail Pass Pass Fail n/c
setGetHatchIndex (9/2 chgd) Fail** Pass Pass Fail FC chgd cgm,png(9/2)
setGetPatternIndex Fail Pass Pass Fail n/c
setGetEdgeVisibility (9/2 chgd) Fail** Pass Pass Pass FC chgd cgm,png(9/2)
setGetFillOffset2 (new I.I. 9/2) unk** Pass Pass Fail FC IntrpInt version (9/2)
getObjectExtent (9/4 chgd) Fail** Pass Pass Pass SG fixed lwsm(9/4)
getObjectExtentTransformed (9/4 chgd) Fail** Pass Pass Pass SG to fix lwsm(9/4)
setView001 Pass Pass Pass Pass n/c
setView002 Pass Pass Fail(11/1) Pass n/c
scaleAPS Fail Pass Partial(10/15) Pass n/c
rotateAPS Fail Pass Partial(10/15) Pass n/c
translateAPS Fail Pass Partial(10/15) Pass n/c
transformAPS Fail Pass Partial(10/15) Pass n/c
rotateAnimation (chgd 10/19) Fail Pass** Pass** Partial n/c
translateAnimation Fail Pass Pass Pass n/c
transformAnimation Fail Pass Pass Pass n/c
lineAnimation Fail Pass Pass Fail n/c
subString Fail Fail(-) Pass Pass n/c
zCompress Pass Pass Pass Pass n/c
setRedraw001 Pass Pass Pass Pass n/c
setRedraw002 Fail Pass Fail(11/1) Pass UL fixed HTML(9/30)
spXCF unk** Pass Pass Fail
transformXCF unk** Fail(no)** Pass Fail

Note: ** means test has changed, implementation retest required.

static2.0 tests — new tests of static features that existed in 2.0

Test Name IsoView
MetaWeb Comments
lineOffset Fail Pass Pass Fail --
transCellColor Fail Pass Pass Fail --
alphaEscape Fail Pass Pass Fail --

Comments (from above tables)

Implementations Tested

The following table lists the Viewer implementations that are covered by the test results.

Company Name** Product Version Platform
PTC IsoView Arbortext IsoView 8.0 beta Windows XP
Larson Software Technology VizEx VizEx Web 10.0 Windows XP
System Development Inc SDI Reader SDI Reader 1.06 Windows XP
CGM Technology Services MetaWeb MetaWeb 3.2 Windows XP

** Nickname used for the viewer in the tables (to distinguish multiple viewers from a Company).


Type Description
Pass Implementation passes test
Fail(date) Implementation does not pass test. (Committed pass date)***
Partial(date) Implementation passes part of the test, but not enough to give a full pass.
(Committed pass date.)***
Unknown The implementation behavior is unknown or indeterminate for the test.
Inactive An implementation is planned, but not yet advanced enough for testing.

*** "(indef)" or "(-)" means that vendor cannot estimate or commit, when it will pass. "No" means no present plans to implement.

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