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Subject: RE: CGM Profiles -- Input needed

I agree, they should become technical reports...I remember them covering three areas of a 2-d space of something like cost vs complexity.  It was a good academic exercise, but no one jumped on them...


-----Original Message-----
From: Lofton Henderson [mailto:lofton@rockynet.com]
Sent: Monday, June 11, 2001 8:51 AM
To: cgmopen-members@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: Fwd: CGM Profiles -- Input needed

CGM Open Members --

I have assumed the role of liaison to ISO SC24, the ISO home committee of 
the CGM standard.  This job was formerly held by John Gebhardt.

I'd like to get opinions about the attached -- what do we feel about these 
ISO profiles?  For background, they were developed following a workshop in 
the UK, which identified a small number of potentially useful standard 
profiles of CGM.  One aligned roughly with the ATA/CALS tradition, another 
aligned roughly with PIP.  In some sense, they were intended to be a family 
of alternate model profiles, which had functional richness targeted at 
certain typical application sectors (the real Model Profile is "maximally 
rich for any reasonable profile").

They are, to my knowledge, not actually called out as a requirement by any 
application community.

One possibility, which is not mentioned and which I have not investigated 
yet, would be to change their status to Technical Reports.  Then they would 
not be standards per se (as they are now -- ISP, International Standardized 
Profile), but would continue to exist in ISO for reference purposes.



>Date: Sun, 10 Jun 2001 20:53:05 -0400
>From: jean stride <100434.3031@compuserve.com>
>Subject: CGM Profiles
>Sender: jean stride <100434.3031@compuserve.com>
>To: Lofton Henderson <lofton@rockynet.com>
>X-RCPT-TO: <lofton@rockynet.com>
>Do you remember being involved with the work led by
>Anne Mumford in the developing of CGM Profiles
>(ISO/IEC ISP 12071 Parts 1 - 4) developed in JTC 1-SGFS
>They are up for 5yr review and we need to make some recommendations
>on whether to confirm, withdraw or revise - can you help ??

Lofton Henderson
1919 Fourteenth St., #604
Boulder, CO   80302

Phone:  303-449-8728
Email:  lofton@rockynet.com

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