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ciq message

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Subject: RE: Registry concern with specifying common vertical structures

Message text written by Karl Best

There is an OASIS technical committee (Customer Information Quality, CIQ)
working on this stuff; their work is fairly far along. Is there a way to
coordinate efforts?




I'm not sure that's the right answer - but it is an answer.

Being on that TC and looking at the solution they are 
moving too - its awfully top heavy just for a registry
entry owner details entry!!!

Bit likely signing up for a new telephone line and having
to state your mothers brothers uncles dad's date of birth.

A sub-set of their approach may work , where the DTD 
has been skilfully restructured to make a simple highly
level 90:10 possible - with options for greater 
granularity for the extended cases.

This is another one of those - with 36hrs in a day we 
can get to it things....


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