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Subject: re: Tag naming syntax

Message text written by INTERNET:vincent.buller@and.com
I believe we can take the mandatory rules, although I would personally not
make an exception for PO_Box and just write POBox to put consistency over

From the other rules, I would like to scrap the 25 character limit. IMO
more consistent to forego on all abbreviations except acronyms. So not
PstBx, but do use POBox.

About the typenames as suffix: I think its useful if used carefully, and it
should not be enforced. A "Street" is a "Street", and not a "StreetString"
or a "StreetName".

Any comments?


There's some goofy things in the OTA rules.  The need is first and 
foremost to have natural and intuitive tags names.

Too much emphasis is made on  tagnames - and particularly in the
case of the OTA - the lack of a registry hamstrings the approach - so
they even have version in the tagname - which is a mistake when
looking for interoperability and long term maintainance.

The ebXML approach is to use UID and External ID's as attributes
in the DTD/Schema.

This basically solves the problem completely.  Notice now you
can use any tagname - including language translations - but still
get back to the default semantics and definitions (the REAL need
in business integration).

I would strongly recommend a lightweight approach to 
tagnames - emphazing natural familiar names - and then
using the UID to exactly label each element for referencing of
the full definitions in an ebXML Registry as a CoreComponent


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