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Subject: RE: OASIS CIQ - next iteration GlobalAddress / CIQ Address


Among the files you sent me on V1.2 of Global Address,
I could not find the DTD for V1.2. Can you please send it to
me? I have reviewed the document and there are a couple of
questions that need to be answered and included before we
can take the Global Address DTD and convert it to xNAL DTD
for OASIS.

I have successfully managed to create two DTDs for xNAL and
they are:
xNL (eXtensible Name Language) and
xAL (eXtensible Address Laguage)
and each of these individual DTDs can be referenced by each other.
I guess this makes things much easier to maintain. Those who want to
concentrate on name and/or address only, can use these DTDs accordingly.

I have also modified xCIL to now call xNL and xAL as references within
its DTD.

The objective is to build xAL DTD from GlobalAdress DTD.

I will write to you in detail about the questions that needs to be addressed
in the GlobalAddress DTD if it has to be converted to xAL DTD.



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