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Subject: OASIS CIQ - next iteration GlobalAddress / CIQ Address

Hello all,

please find the current (not finished) status of the address specification.

I have reduced the hierarchical complexity of the Address structures to
reduce the likeliness of errors in the interpretation by non-experts, trying
not to lose correctness and validation power. The main reduction comes from
making less or no difference between Street+DependentStreet;
Locality+DependentLocality (both simplified) and
Premise+PremiseWithoutStreet (now identical). This comes at only some
expense of validation (the number of nested levels cannot be defined using
Schema, and certainly not using DTDs).

As a result the remaining structures are a bit closer to the NAML structures
(but still with a hierarchy), which made the addition of "imprecise" partial
address blocks easier. Other than in NAML, I chose for unspecified partial
address blocks ("PABs") using "AddressLines" and "AddressLine" element names
instead of specific names such as "StreetAddressBlock". This was something
that the latest NAML spec was not precise in (I found some differences
between the DTD and document) but IMO also cannot be solved in a consistent
manner (one would need StreetAddressDetails, but maybe also
LocalityStreetAddressBlock or StreetAddressPremiseBlock etc.)

The AddressLines/AddressLine elements at a certain level are supposed to
contain all information in a raw form, that is otherwise defined in detailed
elements lower in the hierarchy. This structure has the advantage that one
can always drill down and specify some information exact at a high level
(Country, for example) while keeping the rest in a "PAB" - this would allow
at least for exact country level processing. Users of this specification
could in this manner gradually improve on the quality of their address
processing or interchange.

Although I believe this version is a great step in the right direction, I
would hesitate to call this version a final yet. I need to check some things
internally with our address experts, and the documentation definitely needs
some extension/updating: Note that I didn't complete the Word documentation;
I have added some things to the introduction text (and am sending this to
give you a preview) but for the reference side of things I had to include
the generated HTML file (which I think is pretty good).

I also attached the comparison list between NAML and GlobalAddress elements;
note that not all the things I wrote are comments to the earlier version
(addressing GA 1.1), but also include changes from GlobalAddress 1.1 to 1.2
(which should become the xNAL Address spec).

Questions to be discussed:
- Do we or don't we extensively specify values for types, such as
"apartment", "lot", "pobox", "freepost" etc.? Suggestion: predefine a known
list and allow an extension mechanism, for example using names preceded by
an underscore character. For example: define "apartment" and allow
- The necessity to split street names further into main word, type
("street", "highway", "alley", "square", etc), etc. Wouldn't this just be of
interest to address-buffs like us? I don't believe there's any customer db
which has this level of granularity.
- Same for postal number (pre- and postfix)
- Like in NAML, I made it mandatory at every level to choose between using
AddressLines or using the detailed elements. This would avoid
inconsistencies between the two representation methods, but does anyone know
a reason why you would want to do both?
- Addressee?
- Organization: We do definitely need "LargeMailUser" but for the internal
mail system we need something too. For example, the LargeMailUser could be
the US Armed Forces in Europe - how is an addressee further identified. By
his name + army unit I would say (not having experience in this)? The AND
GlobalAddress spec until now stopped with its definition where the postal
authority responsibility ended, but we need this further spec.

As said, there are also some questions that I have to forward internally to
our address experts - I will get back on that.


Vincent Buller
AND Data Solutions B.V.
Product Development
P.O. Box 29134
3001 GC Rotterdam
The Netherlands
Telephone +31 (0)10 8851345
Fax            +31 (0)10 8851300
Email: vincent.buller@and.com
URL: http://www.and.com/


<?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"?>
<!--Generated by XML Authority. Conforms to w3c http://www.w3.org/2000/10/XMLSchema-->
<xsd:schema xmlns:xsd = "http://www.w3.org/2000/10/XMLSchema">
	<!--Conforms to w3c http://www.w3.org/2000/10/XMLSchema-->
	<!-- AND Schema for Global Address information -->
	<!-- Version 1.2 - Last modified on March 2001 by Vincent Buller -->
	<!-- (C) 2000, 2001 AND Data Solutions - all rights reserved -->
	<!-- Use of this specification is bound to terms found at http://www.and.com/standards/repository.html -->
	<!-- For queries and requests mailto:xml@and.com -->
	<!-- Main elements -->
	<!--### Basic Types                                                                                                                                            ###-->
	<xsd:complexType name = "TName">
			<xsd:extension base = "xsd:string">
				<xsd:attribute name = "NameType" use = "default" value = "Official" type = "xsd:string">
						<xsd:documentation>Values: Official, Unique, Abbreviation, OldName, Synonym.</xsd:documentation>
				<xsd:attribute name = "xml:lang" type = "xsd:string"/>
	<xsd:complexType name = "TCode">
		<xsd:attribute name = "Scheme" use = "required" type = "xsd:string"/>
		<xsd:attribute name = "Code" use = "required" type = "xsd:string"/>
	<!--### Element Definitions                                                                                                                              ###-->
	<xsd:element name = "GlobalAddress">
			<xsd:documentation xml:lang = "en">Test for multiple documentation sections part one
			<xsd:documentation xml:lang = "en">Test for multiple documentation sections part two
			<xsd:documentation xml:lang = "en">Test for multiple documentation sections part three
				<xsd:element ref = "Country"/>
				<xsd:element ref = "AddressLines"/>
	<xsd:element name = "Country">
			<xsd:documentation xml:lang = "en">Specification of a country.
					<xsd:element ref = "AddressLines"/>
					<xsd:element ref = "CountryCode" maxOccurs = "unbounded"/>
					<xsd:element ref = "CountryName" minOccurs = "0" maxOccurs = "unbounded"/>
						<xsd:element ref = "AdministrativeArea"/>
						<xsd:element ref = "Locality"/>
	<xsd:element name = "AdministrativeArea">
			<xsd:documentation xml:lang = "en">Specification of an administrative area. Examples of administrative areas are provinces, bundesamts, etc. There are two places where the name of an administrative area can be specified. Use the following guidelines to choose one of these places: 1) If the name of the administrative area is known for all addresses in that area, then the area name should be stored in an AdministrativeArea element. This way, the name has to be specified only once, which reduces data redundancy. 2) If the name of the administrative area is known for only a few addresses in that area and is only used to make the name of a locality unique, then append the area name to the locality name and store the combination as a LocalityName element (within the Locality element). The name type of the LocalityName must be set to "Unique". Example: in Austria there are more then one localities with the name "Amstetten". To create a unique name, the name of the administrative area is appended to the official locality name: "Amstetten, NiederNiederosterreich".
				<xsd:element ref = "AddressLines"/>
					<xsd:element ref = "AdministrativeAreaName" maxOccurs = "unbounded"/>
					<xsd:element ref = "SubAdministrativeArea" minOccurs = "0"/>
						<xsd:element ref = "Locality"/>
						<xsd:element ref = "PostOffice"/>
			<xsd:attribute name = "AdministrativeAreaType" use = "default" value = "Unknown" type = "xsd:string">
					<xsd:documentation>Province or State or County or Kanton or Unknown</xsd:documentation>
				<!--Possible values but not limited to: Province, State, County, Kanton, Unknown-->
	<xsd:element name = "SubAdministrativeArea">
			<xsd:documentation xml:lang = "en">Specification of a sub-administrative area. An example of a sub-administrative areas is a county. There are two places where the name of an administrative area can be specified. See the specification of the AdministrativeArea element for more information.
				<xsd:element ref = "SubAdministrativeAreaName" maxOccurs = "unbounded"/>
			<xsd:attribute name = "SubAdministrativeAreaType" use = "default" value = "Unknown" type = "xsd:string">
					<xsd:documentation>Province or State or County or Kanton or Unknown</xsd:documentation>
				<!--Possible values but not limited to: Province, State, County, Kanton, Unknown-->
	<xsd:element name = "Locality" type = "TLocality">
			<xsd:documentation xml:lang = "en">Specification of a locality. Examples of localities are cities, reservations and any other built-up areas.
	<xsd:element name = "DependentLocality">
			<xsd:documentation>Dependent localities are Districts within cities/towns, locality divisions, postal divisions of cities, suburbs, etc. 
DependentLocality is a recursive element, but no nesting deeper than two exists (Locality->DependentLocality->DependentLocality).
				<xsd:element ref = "DependentLocalityName" maxOccurs = "unbounded"/>
				<xsd:element ref = "DependentLocality" minOccurs = "0"/>
			<xsd:attribute name = "LocalityType" use = "default" value = "Unknown" type = "xsd:string">
					<xsd:documentation>City or IndustrialEstate or Unknown
When in use for DependentLocality: PostalZone</xsd:documentation>
	<xsd:element name = "LargeMailUser">
			<xsd:documentation xml:lang = "en">Specification of a large mail user address. Examples of large mail users are postal companies, companies in France with a cedex number, hospitals and airports with their own post code. Large mail user addresses do not have a street name with premise name or premise number.
				<xsd:element ref = "AddressLines"/>
					<xsd:element ref = "LargeMailUserName" minOccurs = "0" maxOccurs = "unbounded"/>
					<xsd:element ref = "LargeMailUserIdentifier" minOccurs = "0"/>
					<xsd:element ref = "BuildingName" minOccurs = "0" maxOccurs = "unbounded"/>
					<xsd:element ref = "Department" minOccurs = "0"/>
					<xsd:element ref = "PostalCode" minOccurs = "0"/>
			<xsd:attribute name = "LargeMailUserType" use = "default" value = "LargeUser" type = "xsd:string">
				<!--Possible values not limited to: Company, Institution, Cedex, LargeUser-->
	<xsd:element name = "PostOffice">
			<xsd:documentation xml:lang = "en">Specification of a post office. Examples are a rural post office where post is delivered and a post office containing post office boxes. 
				<xsd:element ref = "AddressLines"/>
					<xsd:element ref = "PostOfficeName" maxOccurs = "unbounded"/>
					<xsd:element ref = "PostBox"/>
					<xsd:element ref = "PostalCode" minOccurs = "0"/>
	<xsd:element name = "PostBox">
			<xsd:documentation xml:lang = "en">Specification of a postbox like mail delivery point. Only a single postbox number can be specified. Examples of postboxes are POBox, free mail numbers, etc. PostBoxType possible values are, not limited to: POBox and Freepost.
				<xsd:element ref = "AddressLines"/>
					<xsd:element ref = "PostBoxNumber"/>
					<xsd:element ref = "Organisation"/>
					<xsd:element ref = "PostalCode" minOccurs = "0"/>
			<xsd:attribute name = "PostBoxType" type = "xsd:string"/>
	<xsd:element name = "Organisation">
			<xsd:documentation xml:lang = "en">Specification of a firm, company, organization, etc. It can be specified as part of an address that contains a street or a postbox. It is therefore different from a large mail user address, which contains neither a street nor a postbox.
				<xsd:element ref = "AddressLines"/>
					<xsd:element ref = "OrganisationName" maxOccurs = "unbounded"/>
					<xsd:element ref = "Department" minOccurs = "0"/>
					<xsd:element ref = "PostalCode" minOccurs = "0"/>
	<xsd:element name = "Department">
			<xsd:documentation xml:lang = "en">
				<xsd:element ref = "AddressLines"/>
					<xsd:element ref = "DepartmentName" maxOccurs = "unbounded"/>
					<xsd:element ref = "PostalCode" minOccurs = "0"/>
	<xsd:element name = "Street">
			<xsd:documentation xml:lang = "en">Specification of a street.
					<xsd:element ref = "AddressLines"/>
					<xsd:element ref = "StreetName" maxOccurs = "unbounded"/>
					<xsd:element ref = "DependentStreet" minOccurs = "0"/>
						<xsd:element ref = "Premise"/>
						<xsd:element ref = "Organisation"/>
						<xsd:element ref = "PostalCode" minOccurs = "0"/>
	<xsd:element name = "DependentStreet">
			<xsd:documentation>DependentStreet is related to a street; occurs in GB, IE, ES, PT
				<xsd:element ref = "StreetName" maxOccurs = "unbounded"/>
	<xsd:element name = "Premise">
			<xsd:documentation xml:lang = "en">Specification of a single premise, for example a house or a building. The premise as a whole has a unique premise (house) number or a premise name. If the premise is divided into sub-premises (e.g. apartments), then specify the sub-premise number with a SubPremise element. If a premise can only be identified by a premise name, because it has no premise (house) number, then specify that name in the element PremiseName (and not in the BuildingName). If a premise can be identified by a premise (house) number, but also has a house or building name, then do not store that name in the element PremiseName, but store it instead in the element BuildingName. The elements BuildingName and SecondaryStreetString all represent extra information that is nice to know, but is not a required part of a formal post address.
				<xsd:element ref = "AddressLines"/>
						<xsd:element ref = "PremiseNumber"/>
						<xsd:element ref = "PremiseName" maxOccurs = "unbounded"/>
					<xsd:element ref = "BuildingName" minOccurs = "0" maxOccurs = "unbounded"/>
					<xsd:choice minOccurs = "0">
						<xsd:element ref = "SubPremise"/>
						<xsd:element ref = "Organisation"/>
					<xsd:element ref = "PostalCode" minOccurs = "0"/>
	<xsd:element name = "SubPremise">
			<xsd:documentation xml:lang = "en">Specification of a single sub-premise. Examples of sub-premises are apartments and suites. Each sub-premise should be uniquely identifiable. SubPremiseType: Specification of the name of a sub-premise type. Possible values not limited to: Suite, Appartment, Floor, Unknown.
				<xsd:element ref = "AddressLines"/>
						<xsd:element ref = "SubPremiseNumber"/>
						<xsd:element ref = "SubPremiseName" maxOccurs = "unbounded"/>
					<xsd:element ref = "BuildingName" minOccurs = "0" maxOccurs = "unbounded"/>
					<xsd:element ref = "Organisation" minOccurs = "0"/>
					<xsd:element ref = "PostalCode" minOccurs = "0"/>
			<xsd:attribute name = "SubPremiseType" use = "default" value = "Unknown" type = "xsd:string">
					<xsd:documentation>SubPremiseType may be Apartment, Lot, etc.</xsd:documentation>
	<xsd:element name = "PostalCodeNumber" type = "xsd:string">
			<xsd:documentation xml:lang = "en">Specification of a postcode. The postcode is formatted according to country-specific rules. Example: SW3 0A8-1A
	<xsd:element name = "PostTown">
			<xsd:documentation>Sub-element of the extended PostalCode, specification of a post town. A post town is not the same as a locality. A post town can encompass a collection of (small) localities. It can also be a subpart of a locality. An actual post town in Norway is "Bergen". 
				<xsd:element ref = "PostTownName" maxOccurs = "unbounded"/>
	<xsd:element name = "SortingCode" type = "xsd:string">
			<xsd:documentation>Values may for example be CEDEX 16 (France)
	<xsd:element name = "DeliveryPointSuffix" type = "xsd:string">
			<xsd:documentation>Examples are: 1234 (USA), 1G (UK), etc.
	<xsd:element name = "CountryName" type = "TName">
			<xsd:documentation xml:lang = "en">Specification of the name of a country. Possible values of NameType not limited to: Official, Unique, Abbreviation, OldName, Synonym.
	<xsd:element name = "AdministrativeAreaName" type = "TName">
			<xsd:documentation xml:lang = "en">Specification of the name of an administrative area. Examples of administrative areas are provinces counties, special regions (such as "Rijnmond"), etc. Possible values of NameType not limited to: Official, Unique, Abbreviation, OldName, Synonym.
	<xsd:element name = "SubAdministrativeAreaName" type = "TName">
			<xsd:documentation xml:lang = "en">Specification of the sub-administrative area name. Examples are county (Ireland) and concelho (Portugal). Possible values of NameType not limited to: Official, Unique, Abbreviation, OldName, Synonym.
	<xsd:element name = "LocalityName" type = "TName">
			<xsd:documentation xml:lang = "en">Specification of the name of a locality. Possible values of NameType not limited to: Official, Unique, Abbreviation, OldName, Synonym.
	<xsd:element name = "StreetName" type = "TName">
			<xsd:documentation>Specification of the name of a street (also dependant street name). Possible values of NameType not limited to: Official, Unique, Abbreviation, OldName, Synonym.
	<xsd:element name = "PostOfficeName" type = "TName">
			<xsd:documentation xml:lang = "en">Specification of the name of the post office. This can be a rural postoffice where post is delivered or a post office containing post office boxes.  Possible values of NameType not limited to: Official, Unique, Abbreviation, OldName, Synonym.
	<xsd:element name = "BuildingName" type = "TName">
			<xsd:documentation xml:lang = "en">Specification of the name of a building. See also the specification of the SinglePremise element. Possible values of NameType not limited to: Official, Unique, Abbreviation, OldName, Synonym.
	<xsd:element name = "PremiseName" type = "TName">
			<xsd:documentation xml:lang = "en">Specification of the name of the premise (house, building, etc). A premise name is specified when the premise cannot be addressed using a street name plus premise (house) number. Possible values of NameType not limited to: Official, Unique, Abbreviation, OldName, Synonym.
	<xsd:element name = "PremiseNumber" type = "xsd:string">
			<xsd:documentation xml:lang = "en">Specification of the identifier of the premise (house, building, etc). Premises in a street are often uniquely identified by means of consecutive identifiers. The identifier can be a number, a letter or any combination of the two. This comment irrelevant: In the latter case, the identifier includes exactly one variable (range) part, which is either a number or a single letter that is surrounded by fixed parts at the left (prefix) or the right (postfix).
	<xsd:element name = "SubPremiseName" type = "TName">
			<xsd:documentation xml:lang = "en"> Possible values of NameType not limited to: Official, Unique, Abbreviation, OldName, Synonym.
	<xsd:element name = "SubPremiseNumber" type = "xsd:string">
			<xsd:documentation xml:lang = "en">Specification of the identifier of a sub-premise. Examples of sub-premises are apartments and suites.
 sub-premises in a building are often uniquely identified by means of consecutive identifiers. The identifier can be a number, a letter or any combination of the two. In the latter case, the identifier includes exactly one variable (range) part, which is either a number or a single letter that is surrounded by fixed parts at the left (prefix) or the right (postfix).
	<xsd:element name = "PostTownName" type = "TName">
			<xsd:documentation xml:lang = "en">Specification of the name of a post town. A post town is not the same as a locality. A post town can encompass a collection of (small) localities. It can also be a subpart of a locality. Possible values of NameType not limited to: Official, Unique, Abbreviation, OldName, Synonym.
	<xsd:element name = "PostBoxNumber" type = "xsd:string">
			<xsd:documentation xml:lang = "en">Specification of the number of a postbox .
	<xsd:element name = "LargeMailUserName" type = "TName">
			<xsd:documentation xml:lang = "en">Specification of the name of a large mail user. Possible values of NameType not limited to: Official, Unique, Abbreviation, OldName, Synonym.
	<xsd:element name = "OrganisationName" type = "TName">
			<xsd:documentation xml:lang = "en">Specification of the name of a firm. Examples of a firm are companies and organizations. Possible values of NameType not limited to: Official, Unique, Abbreviation, OldName, Synonym.
	<xsd:element name = "DepartmentName" type = "TName">
			<xsd:documentation xml:lang = "en">Specification of the name of a department. Possible NameType values not limited to: Official, Unique, Abbreviation, OldName, Synonym.
	<xsd:element name = "CountryCode" type = "TCode">
			<xsd:documentation xml:lang = "en">Country code scheme possible values, but not limited to: iso.3166-2, iso.3166-3 for two- and three-character country codes.
	<!--### Simple Element Types                                                                                                                         ###-->
	<xsd:element name = "LargeMailUserIdentifier" type = "xsd:string">
			<xsd:documentation xml:lang = "en">Specification of the identification number of a large mail user. An example are the Cedex codes in France.
	<xsd:element name = "AddressLines">
			<xsd:documentation>The order of the AddressLine elements must be preserved</xsd:documentation>
				<xsd:element ref = "AddressLine" maxOccurs = "unbounded"/>
	<xsd:element name = "AddressLine" type = "xsd:string"/>
	<xsd:element name = "PostalCode">
			<xsd:documentation>PostalCode is the container element for either simple or complex (extended) postal codes.</xsd:documentation>
				<xsd:element ref = "AddressLines"/>
					<xsd:element ref = "PostalCodeNumber"/>
					<xsd:element ref = "PostTown" minOccurs = "0"/>
					<xsd:element ref = "SortingCode" minOccurs = "0"/>
					<xsd:element ref = "DeliveryPointSuffix" minOccurs = "0"/>
	<xsd:complexType name = "TLocality">
				<xsd:element ref = "AddressLines"/>
				<xsd:element ref = "LocalityName" maxOccurs = "unbounded"/>
				<xsd:element ref = "DependentLocality" minOccurs = "0"/>
				<xsd:choice minOccurs = "0">
					<xsd:element ref = "Street"/>
					<xsd:element ref = "PostBox"/>
					<xsd:element ref = "LargeMailUser"/>
					<xsd:element ref = "PostOffice"/>
					<xsd:element ref = "Premise"/>
					<xsd:element ref = "PostalCode"/>
		<xsd:attribute name = "LocalityType" use = "default" value = "Unknown" type = "xsd:string">
				<xsd:documentation>City or IndustrialEstate or Unknown
When in use for DependentLocality: PostalZone</xsd:documentation>
	<xsd:complexType name = "TPremise">
				<xsd:element ref = "PremiseNumber"/>
				<xsd:element ref = "PremiseName" maxOccurs = "unbounded"/>
			<xsd:element ref = "BuildingName" minOccurs = "0" maxOccurs = "unbounded"/>
			<xsd:choice minOccurs = "0">
				<xsd:element ref = "SubPremise"/>
				<xsd:element ref = "Organisation"/>
			<xsd:element ref = "PostalCode" minOccurs = "0"/>
	<xsd:simpleType name = "DependentLocalityName">
		<xsd:restriction base = "xsd:string"/>
	<xsd:element name = "DependentLocalityName" type = "TName"/>



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