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Subject: Successful Integration of NAML with GlobalAddress

Hi all

I have successfully integrated the XML work done by MasterSoft International
(NAML) and
AND Solutions (GlobalAddress) to have a new XML Standard for Name and
Address Data Management.

Given that I do not have access to the GlobalAddress DTD V1.2, I used the
notes circulated
by Vincent Buller about V1.2, re-wrote the GlobalAddress DTD to become the
address by including the address elements in NAML that were missing in
GlobalAddress DTD.

I have also successfully componentised the DTD for Name and address into
three. They are:

xNL DTD : eXtensible Name Language for defining a name in detail
xAL DTD : eXtensible Address Language for defining an address in detail.

xNAL DTD : eXtensible Name and Address DTD for defining name and address.

xNAL uses xNL and xAL as references.

I have also completed writing the DTD and the specifications document for
xCIL (eXtensible Customer Information Language).

xCIL DTD uses xNL DTD and xAL DTD as references.

Work Completed
* Generation of the DTDs for Name and Address (xNL, xAL, and xNAL)
* Specifications Document for Name DTD (xNL)
* Sample examples for Name DTD (xNL)
* Generation of the DTD for Customer Information (xCIL)
* Specifications Document for Customer Information (xCIL)

Work to be Completed
* Specifications document for Address DTD (xAL)
* Sample examples for Address DTD (xAL)
* Sample examples for Name and Address DTD (xNAL)
* Sample examples for Customer Information (xCIL)

Any comments?


Ram Kumar
Chair, CIQ TC

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