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Subject: Updates to the Standards

Hi all

I have made some minor changes to the xNL, xAL, and xCIL DTDs.
These changes are summarised in the revisions history file. I have
made changes to the documents accordingly and the new files
are now under http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/ciq/ciq.shtml

The new versions are:

xNL Version 1.1

xAL Version 1.1

xCIL Version 1.2

xAL and xNAL now contails more examples. I took the addresses
used by CEN (Eurpoean Standards body) Group in their specification
document and XMLified them and validated them using xAl. No problems
in doing that. The addresses were from the following countries:
Spain, UK, France, The Netherlands, Finland, Sweden, Portugal, and

I have sent a copy of the XMLified data to CEN too.

We need to have a conference call soon as we have new members. 
Why do not we have one on say, Thursday, 24th of May (your date), 
say 4:00pm? Please confirm. I need to see what time it will be for 
me on Friday 25th Morning. Once we agree on the date, we can them
set up an agenda for discussion.

Looking forward to hearing from you.


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