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Subject: [ciq] FW: Journee Software membership in OASIS CIQ TC


Journée Software is keen to join the OASIS CIQ TC and contribute
to the evolution of our standards. I strongly believe that their
expertise in the area of customer information management will add value
to our work. I have enclosed their detailed response to the questions
I raised to them about their interest in the CIQ TC.

Unless there is any objection, I will send a formal note to them to
join our TC. It is nice to see CIQ TC attracting different groups with
diverse skills.



-----Original Message-----
From: Jackie Gilbert [mailto:jgilbert@journee.com]
Sent: Tuesday, 23 July 2002 7:17 AM
To: 'Ram Kumar'
Cc: Rob Beauchamp; Jackie Gilbert
Subject: RE: Journee Software membership in OASIS CIQ TC

Mr. Kumar,

I have provided answers to your questions about Journée Software below:

May I know the reason behind your company being keen to join the committee?
>>Journée's mission is to enable customer data integration. By this, I mean
that we make it easy for our customers to share customer information across
front-office and back-office applications. As part of the next release of
our ServiceStream product, Journée will provide our customers with a
template for an enterprise customer data model. Our goal is to provide a
reference implementation based on an open, vendor-neutral industry standard.
We evaluated OAG, W3C, and OASIS, as well as vertical standards such as
ACORD (insurance) and OTA (travel) based on publicly available information.
It was the consensus of our strategy team to approach the OASIS CIQ TC as
our first choice, hence my email to you.

What does your company expect as an outcome by joining the committee?
>> As mentioned above, we intend to "productize" an enterprise customer data
model as a reference implementation of our ServiceStream solution.  Because
this standard data model will become part of our product and strategy, we
would like to actively participate in technical committee discussions and
decisions surrounding the standard. From a marketing standpoint, we would
like to promote our standards participation to the press and analysts.

What skills do you think your company can bring to the CIQ TC?
Rob Beauchamp, our CTO, brings a combination of technological depth and
customer-facing experience.  Rob divides his time 50/50 between working on
product strategy and interfacing with customers and prospects. Rob's
background is in consulting and  IT, so he has 10+ years of real-world
practical experience.  From a company standpoint, our core expertise is data
modelling, application integration, Java, and XML. We are providers of
enterprise-class software and as such, we have expertise in security/access
control, transactional/data integrity, scalability and performance, and high
availability.  Based on our experience marketing customer data integration
solutions, we bring a wealth of knowledge about customer/prospect
requirements across the telecommunications, insurance, and travel verticals.
We are certified Siebel partners and are knowledgeable about Siebel

I look forward to hearing back from you at your earliest convenience.

Best regards,

Jackie Gilbert
Journée Software

-----Original Message-----
From: Ram Kumar [mailto:rkumar@msi.com.au]
Sent: Sunday, July 21, 2002 11:18 PM
To: 'Jackie Gilbert'
Cc: 'Rob Beauchamp'
Subject: RE: Journee Software membership in OASIS CIQ TC

Hi Jackie

Thank your for your e-mail. May I know the reason behind
your company being keen to join the committee.? What does
your company expect as an outcome by joining the committee?
What skills do you think your company can bring to the CIQ TC?

Sorry for asking these questions. But this is a formality that
we normally follow to know better about an interested party.

The mmebership requires regular attendance of conference calls,
face-to-face meeting (once a year or so), sponsorship of conference
calls (once a year or so), contribution to the development of
CIQ TC related activities (eg. development of specs, development of
XML schemas/DTDs, etc), and promotion of CIQ TC and OASIS to the community.

Once I hear from you, I will pass on your details to the CIQ TC members
and will get back to you ASAP.

Looking forward to hearing from you

With kind regards

Ram Kumar

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jackie Gilbert [mailto:jgilbert@journee.com]
> Sent: Saturday, 20 July 2002 7:36 AM
> To: rkumar@msi.com.au
> Cc: Rob Beauchamp
> Subject: Journee Software membership in OASIS CIQ TC
> Dear Mr. Kumar,
> My company, Journée Software, has recently joined OASIS as a
> contributing
> member.  Journée markets a customer data integration solution called
> ServiceStream that logically aggregates customer data in
> real-time from
> disparate operational systems and makes this data available
> to front-office
> applications (CRM, portals, etc.).  Our chief technical officer, Rob
> Beauchamp, is very interested in becoming a member of the
> Could you please advise of us how we can join the TC and what this
> membership requires (conference calls, meetings, etc.)?
> Thank you and best regards,
> Jackie Gilbert
> VP-Marketing
> Journée Software
> www.journee.com

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