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Subject: FW: [ciq] FW: [egov] Fw: tax-xml position paper

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael.Roytman@vertexinc.com
Sent: Wednesday, July 14, 2004 3:39 AM
To: Ram Kumar
Subject: Re: [ciq] FW: [egov] Fw: tax-xml position paper


After reviewing the xNL and xAL version 3 requirements document, the items
6 (line 138) needs to be addressed in order to satisfy the item 8 (line
140). You have captured the needs in section 4.1 as well.

During my evaluation of the CIQ as an underlying specification for the COR
project within Tax XML, I found that many structures are defined as global
elements. This approach makes it easy to reuse by reference, however
extensibility is limited. The approach, somewhat, caused some of our
members that have been trying to use CIQ label it as monolithic. For the
next version of CIQ, do you have any intentions to adopt design rules that
promote extensibility, such as the ones defined by OASIS UBL? If you need
any XML Schema assistance, I would be more than willing to contribute.
Let me know how I can be of assistance.

Best regards,

Michael Roytman.

|         |           "Ram Kumar"      |
|         |           <RKumar@msi.com.a|
|         |           u>               |
|         |                            |
|         |           07/12/2004 06:42 |
|         |           PM               |
|         |                            |
  |                                                                                                                               |
  |       To:       <ciq@lists.oasis-open.org>                                                                                    |
  |       cc:                                                                                                                     |
  |       Subject:  [ciq] FW: [egov] Fw: tax-xml position paper                                                                   |


Enclosed document is the position paper from TaxXML. It recommends
looking at exploring CIQ for customer identification. Our TC should use
this opportunity to work with the TaxXML committee to implement the CIQ

Based on requirements for xNAL V3.0 sumitted by Max couple of months ago,
I have worked with Max to define the structure of eXtenslibe Name Language
I will post soon you a working draft schema for you to have a look at and
make your comments.

The schema has been broken down into sub-components to make it easy for
organisations/end users
to implement the specs. by picking up the components they need. The
components are categorised
according to the complexity of name representation.

I am also working on the address structure which is much more complex.


Ram Kumar

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