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Subject: Re: [ciq] RE: OASIS RE : Global and application independent "Nameand Address XML Specification" from OASIS


Also - we probably have members of UPU that are also members of OASIS.

I'm sure members probably have access to the standards directly.

Ram Kumar wrote:

>The work we are doing at OASIS on name and address data is NOT for
>any commerical purpose. As you are aware, OASIS is an international
>standards consortium that developes vertical and horizontal XML industry
>The whole idea of using UPU sample addresses is to demonstrate the
>capability of the xAL address specification to handle international
>addresses and NOT for any commerical benefits. Under this case, do 
>we still need to pay USD 95 to use the sample addresses? 
>Please advise.
>Ram Kumar
>General Manager
>Software R&D and Architecture
>Suite 204A, 244 Beecroft Road
>Epping, NSW 2121, Australia
>Direct: +61-2-9815 0226
>Mobile: +61-412 758 025
>Fax: +61-2-98150200
>URL: www.msi.com.au 
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: HAUSS, luc [mailto:luc.hauss@upu.int] On Behalf Of PostCode
>>Sent: Tuesday, October 12, 2004 1:38 AM
>>To: Ram Kumar
>>Cc: STANT, jelto; PIOTROWSKI, piotr; VIVAS, patricia
>>Subject: OASIS RE : Global and application independent "Name 
>>and Address XML Specification" from OASIS
>>Dear Mr. Ram Kumar,
>>Thank you for your message to Mr. Jelto Stant and for asking 
>>the approval to use our addressing information.
>>1.	OK 
>>You have our agreement to use our address examples contained 
>>in our "Postal Addressing Systems", exclusively limited to 
>>your testing, development and demonstrating purposes for your 
>>V3.0 release from xAL.
>>2.	IF
>>As this publication is under copyright, we agree under the 
>>condition you take one license for this publication at 125 
>>Swiss Francs (<> USD 95) for your demonstrating purposes.
>>You may order at :   publications@upu.int
>>Or via our website at: 
>>3.	LATER
>>For any commercial usage, please contact us (publication 
>>information built in your xAL product).
>>4.	Universal POST*CODE DataBase
>>This publication completes the Universal POST*CODE DataBase, 
>>a world database of postcodes converted into the same format, 
>>updated quarterly and which is easy to integrate into your 
>>applications or address checking and correction software.
>>May I invite you to discover this database (information, 
>>updates, data level by country, customers, free sample DB and 
>>structure description):
>>For an offer tailored to your needs (in-house or commercial), 
>>let me know the exact usage and the countries or geographical 
>>region with interest for your products and services.
>>Don't hesitate and contact me for any further information need.
>>I will be out of office (DMA, USA + AIMED, USA) until 2nd of 
>>Nov. 2004.
>>Kind regards from Switzerland.
>>Universal Postal Union (UPU)
>>Attn. Mr. Luc HAUSS
>>P.O. Box
>>3000 BERNE 15
>>Ph.    +41 31 350 35 59
>>Fx.    +41 31 350 31 10
>>E_mail postcode@upu.int		
>>Web    www.upu.int
>>Visit us:
>>- Bern, Switzerland,
>>- The DMA Annual Conference & Exhibition, New Orleans, LA, 
>>USA, (17-19 Oct. 2004, stand 1957)
>>- The AIMED Conference, St. Louis, MO, USA, (21-24 Oct. 2004) 
>>-----Message d'origine-----
>>De : STANT, jelto
>>Envoyé : lundi, 11. octobre 2004 11:42
>>À : PostCode
>>Objet : FW: Global and application independent "Name and 
>>Address XML Specification" from OASIS Importance : Haute
>>Hi all,
>>Please see the message below.
>>Any suggestions on how we should react ?
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Ram Kumar [mailto:RKumar@msi.com.au]
>>Sent: Friday, October 08, 2004 4:47 AM
>>To: STANT, jelto
>>Subject: RE: Global and application independent "Name and 
>>Address XML Specification" from OASIS
>>Importance: High
>>Hi Stant,
>>If you can recollect, we communicated about a year ago.
>>Here at OASIS Customer Information Technical Committee, we 
>>are working on the release of the next version (Version 3.0) 
>>of xAL (extensible Address Language). xAL V2.0 (released in 
>>July 2002) handles addresses of almost every country in 
>>greater detail and is an application independent language 
>>that can be used/extended for use in various applications 
>>such as CRM, Customer recognition, customer registration, 
>>customer information systems, data quality management, postal 
>>services, etc.
>>As part of V3.0 release, we intend to use all the 
>>international address examples provided by the UPU web site 
>>to demostrate the power of xAL. 
>>We will righly acknowledge UPU in all our documents. 
>>We therefore, seek your approval to use your address examples. 
>>If there are any issues with this, please let us know.
>>Looking forward to hearing from you
>>Thank you
>>Ram Kumar
>>Founding Chair,
>>General Manager
>>Software R&D and Architecture
>>Suite 204A, 244 Beecroft Road
>>Epping, NSW 2121, Australia
>>Direct: +61-2-9815 0226
>>Mobile: +61-412 758 025
>>Fax: +61-2-98150200
>>URL: www.msi.com.au 
>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>From: Stant Jelto [mailto:jelto.stant@upu.int]
>>>Sent: Monday, September 01, 2003 7:08 PM
>>>To: Ram Kumar; Stant Jelto
>>>Cc: CH (Douane) -Vuilleumier, François; clivio@iso.org; Gray Steve; 
>>>Betremieux Christine; rberwanger@bTrade.com; 
>>>sue.probert@dial.pipex.com; michael.doran@cern.ch; 
>>>Jean-Luc@Champion.Name; jean-luc.delcourt@cec.eu.int; 
>>>Paul-Herve.Theunissen@cec.eu.int; heinz.engi@ezv.admin.ch; 
>>>josef.schoebi@ezv.admin.ch; bernhard.spahr@ezv.admin.ch; 
>>>samuel.kobel@ezv.admin.ch; jon.bosak@sun.com; mcrawfor@lmi.org
>>>Subject: RE: Global "Name and Address XML Standard" for OASIS
>>>Dear Mr. Kumar,
>>>Thank you for your message. I believe that you provide lots 
>>of useful 
>>>and important information for our Addressing project (the so-called 
>>>POST*Code group). There seems to be a clear need to 
>>coordinate this as 
>>>best as we can.
>>>I will pass your message on to the group, and hope to be able to 
>>>provide you with a reaction from their part soon.
>>>Thanks once more, and hopefully I'll be back with more info in the 
>>>near future.
>>>Jelto Stant
>>>Manager, Standards Development & Support Universal Postal Union
>>>Tel: +41 31 3503 244
>>>Fax: +41 31 3503 110
>>>Internet: www.upu.int
>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>From: Ram Kumar [mailto:rkumar@msi.com.au]
>>>Sent: Monday, September 01, 2003 2:11 AM
>>>To: jelto.stant@upu.int
>>>Cc: fvuille@attglobal.net; clivio@iso.org; steve.gray@upu.int; 
>>>christine.betremieux@upu.int; rberwanger@bTrade.com; 
>>>diskray@w150.aone.net.au; sue.probert@dial.pipex.com; 
>>>michael.doran@cern.ch; Jean-Luc@Champion.Name; 
>>>jean-luc.delcourt@cec.eu.int; Paul-Herve.Theunissen@cec.eu.int; 
>>>heinz.engi@ezv.admin.ch; josef.schoebi@ezv.admin.ch; 
>>>bernhard.spahr@ezv.admin.ch; samuel.kobel@ezv.admin.ch; 
>>>jon.bosak@sun.com; mcrawfor@lmi.org
>>>Subject: Global "Name and Address XML Standard" for OASIS
>>>Importance: High
>>>My name is Ram Kumar and I am the founding Chairman of Customer 
>>>Information Technical Committee of OASIS. We spent over 3 years 
>>>developing a global name and address standard in XML and we have 
>>>released the standard that is widely used around the world 
>>for various 
>>>name and address applications.
>>>The standards
>>>extensible Name Language (xNL), and
>>>extensible Address Language (xAL).
>>>Details of these standards are in:
>>>A customer could be a person or an organisation. An 
>>organisation can 
>>>be private, public, not-for-profit, association, school, 
>>>group, etc.
>>>These standards can be used as a base representation to support any 
>>>name and address application such as postal services. It has been 
>>>proven and widely tested to support
>>>240+ country names and addresses at an abstract to a detailed
>>>level for various applications such as name and address parsing to 
>>>name and address validation and correction. Sooner a Java 
>>library will 
>>>be released that will enable users to take this Java APIs 
>>that process 
>>>these standards.
>>>Couple of years ago when CEN (WG331) was at a proposal stage to 
>>>develop an XML name and address standard under the chairmanship of 
>>>Mr.Holger Wandt, my committee took the proposal and showed 
>>how these 
>>>standards are a superset of what was being proposed. We 
>>requested the 
>>>group to take these base standards and extend it to meet their 
>>>specific requirement. Though there was agreement to our 
>>>recommendation, they decided to develop their own.
>>>We as a committee are very keen to work with any group and 
>>extend our 
>>>standards to accommodate any requirements.
>>>Our committee is also in liaison with UBL who have taken 
>>our address 
>>>standard as part of their core library. Other OASIS 
>>committees such as 
>>>Tax, eGovernment and Election and Voting services are keen on our 
>>>standards. The UK Government and the New Zealand Government have 
>>>already adopted our standards.
>>>The NSW Government of Australia is also close to taking our 
>>>All we are requesting here is to give serious consideration 
>>to these 
>>>standards before developing another XML standard for name 
>>and address 
>>>representation. We are willing to cooperate with any standard 
>>>committee or bodies.
>>>Kind regards,
>>>Chair, OASIS CIQ TC
>>>Ram Kumar
>>>General Manager - Development & Architecture MSI Suite A204,
>>>244 Beecroft Road Epping, NSW 2121, AUSTRALIA Switch : +61 2
>>>9815 0200 Direct : +61 2 9815 0226
>>>Fax    : +61 2 9815 0299
>>>Mobile : +61 (0)412 758 025
>>>Web 	 : http://www.msi.com.au
>>>"Information is The Business"
>>>Confidentiality and Privilege Notice
>>>This is confidential and may contain legally privileged 
>>>Any use, distribution, disclosure or copying of this email by any 
>>>party other than the intended recipient is a breach of 
>>>If you have received this email in error, please delete it 
>>and notify 
>>>MSI immediately by telephone or email.
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