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Subject: Re: [ciq] CIQ using UBL NDR?


CAM provides exactly that means to capture those usage rules and schema 

I'm thinking these CAM templates then become exactly like application 
"skins" that
make CIQ perform and behave just like a UBL application! ; -)

I've been working on the notion for sometime of having CAM 
sub-assemblies for
address that can plug-n-play into a UBL schema and provide address 
mapping into
locale postal formats automatically - based on a context parameter that 
is passed
at run time.

Hido is right - CAM is a Swiss-Army knife tool with chameleon qualities 
- but
ultimately I believe these things are two inter-twined - what you do for 
validation is
also needed for assembly and vice versa - and then there is registry and
vocabularies - so its a lot for people to grasp all at once.

Ultimately though - once we have pluggable sub-assemblies that people can
just treat as a 'black-box' - set a couple of parameters - for the 
country and
address type - and let the smarts inside the box return the correct 
and layout for them - then everyone wins.

We're getting there - and I'm encouraged with the rapid progress we've made
these past two months with jCAM.

Thanks, DW

Ram Kumar wrote:

>As David rightly said, if CIQ strictly conforms to 
>UBL NDR, this is going to create serious problems
>for many groups that use or wants to use CIQ. Most
>of the NDR are very specific to UBL requirements. 
>The best option is to look at the general rules from
>the NDR regarding defining elements and attributes in
>schemas and use them in CIQ and ignore the rules that are
>very specific to UBL requirements.  Any views.

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