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Subject: RE: CIQ V3.0 schemas

Title: Re: CIQ V3.0 schemas
Hi Tim,
It will also be worthwhile for UBL 1.1 to look into the Party specification of
CIQ (V3.05). Thanks

From: Tim McGrath [mailto:tmcgrath@portcomm.com.au]
Sent: Thu 6/01/2005 6:27 PM
To: Ram Kumar
Cc: jon.bosak@sun.com
Subject: Re: CIQ V3.0 schemas

as we discussed, i have tried to map the xAL-3.0.5 schemas to the UBL
1.0 Address BIE.  the results are included in the attached spreadsheet.

 From this it appears that we still have some issues with naming and
design rules. For example CIQ uses attributes for business information
entities or core components - UBL only uses elements.

Also, there is an obvious difference in the conceptual models used by
UBL and xAL. For example, can you explain the criteria for deciding why
BuildingName is at one level and Premise details at another?  or why
there is AddressLines with children of AddressLine and at another level
there is FreeTextAddressLine?

it would help if you have some conceptual model that describes the
business rules xAL uses.

Ram Kumar wrote:

>Dear Tim,
>It was great catching up at the OASIS Conference
>in Sydney.
>As discussed and agreed, please find enclosed the draft version
>of the schema (xAL-Basic V3.0) that we have been working
>on for the past couple of months. This schema uses some of the
>UBL NDR for defining elements and attributes.  Not all UBL NDR
>could be used because CIQ specs. are used for various applications
>and not just shipping, purchase order, invoicing, etc. This V3.0
>draft address schema is used by CIQ TC to map the UPU international
>addresses (about 170+ country addresses have been mapped so far).
>I have also enclosed Party (a person or organisation)
>Schema (xNL-Basic V3.0) that I want UBL to seriously consider re-using
>it in the next version. This schema supports about 36+ party name
>formats that exists in 240+ countries.
>As suggested by you, it would be great if you can look into it
>and make recommendations on what has to be done to make it
>compatible to Core components.
>The new schema is a flat structure compared to the previous one,
>but does not loose the flexibility offered by the previous one.
>I am very keen to see "strong convergence" between UBL and CIQ work in
>the party name and address area and other party information specs
>that CIQ TC has produced (eg. telephone, email addresses,
>other contact details, etc) in the future. This convergence should
>set an example to other TCs within OASIS on how the TCs should re-use
>work atleast within OASIS first.
>Looking forward to hearing from you.
>Ram Kumar
>General Manager
>Software R&D and Architecture
>Suite 204A, 244 Beecroft Road
>Epping, NSW 2121, Australia
>Direct: +61-2-9815 0226
>Mobile: +61-412 758 025
>Fax: +61-2-98150200
>URL: www.msi.com.au


tim mcgrath
phone: +618 93352228 
postal: po box 1289   fremantle    western australia 6160

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