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Subject: Related work on distributed (federated) authorization

Hi all,

I recently came across the Cloud Authorization TC and was happy to see how well this initiative aligns with the current focus of my research. As part of our focus on access control, we recently published some work on the topic of federated authorization (called 'distributed authorization' in your use cases):

1. https://lirias.kuleuven.be/bitstream/123456789/415411/1/81850342.pdf: discusses the topic of federated authorization in general

2. https://lirias.kuleuven.be/bitstream/123456789/363474/3/mw4ng12-maarten-decat.pdf : proposes a performance enhancing tactic for federated authorization in which the tenant's access control policies are split and distributed over tenant and provider. This is an early version of the idea, we have been working on extending it.

I will definitely keep track of the advances of this TC and hope this related work is useful for you as well. If you have any questions, you can always contact me on this e-mail address.

Kind regards,

Maarten Decat
DistriNet research group - KU Leuven - Belgium

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