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Subject: Re: [cmis-comment] Can getChildren and getObject return different properties?

Hi Björn,

The client defines how the objects returned by getChildren() should look
like. See the getChildren() parameter list [1].

If the client does not define a property filter, the repository need not
to return all properties but can pick and choose the properties that seem
to be important.
If the client defines a property filter, the repository MUST return the
selected properties in order to be spec compliant.

A repository can also restrict the number of children it returns, if that
makes sense in your use case. The hasMoreItems flag tells the client that
there are more children. The client has to set the skipCount parameter in
a subsequent getChildren() call to get the next batch.

- Florian


On 13.08.12 11:45, "Björn Kremer" <bkr@patorg.de> wrote:

>I have a little question. I'd like to publish a very, very large
>database through a cmis interface. I have to load many references to
>build the complete cmis-object for the client. Unfortunatelly the
>cmis-client requests a list of all cmis-objects in a
>folder(getChildren). Loading all references for all objects in a folder
>takes a very long time.
>Is it possible that getChildren only offers an incomplete cmis-object
>that only contains the neccessary properties and getObject offers the
>full object with all properties? Does this break up the cmis definition?
>Thank You
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