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Subject: Re: [cmis-comment] get objects applied to a policy

Hello Jorge,

Thank you for your inquiry.

Your example falls into the area of querying for heterogeneous objects, where enhancement is indeed needed. Currently, CMIS query is largely based on SQL and the relational model, which is type-oriented. Searching for heterogeneous objects is unnatural in that model and would involve many JOINs and UNIONs. The TC has been exploring ways to simplify such query under JIRA #768 "Simplify CMIS query". (http://issues.oasis-open.org/browse/CMIS-768?jql=project%20%3D%20CMIS)

We hope to provide a solution in the next release of CMIS.

Kind regards,


On Thu, Dec 4, 2014 at 1:06 AM, <Jorge.MARTIN-CUERVO@ext.ec.europa.eu> wrote:



we are currently working in a CMIS server that implements policies.

As you know Object, Discovery and Versioning services accept a flag to get objects with the applied policies, and within the Policies service  we can retrieve the policies applied to an specific object.


In both cases the input is the applied object, and the output the policy.

I was wondering what if I would like to get the objects applied to an specific policy?


In our particular example we have a quota policy and would be interesting to know where this policy is applied.


We are considering returning back the objects applied in the ExtensionData when you execute ObjectService.getObject() with a parameter in ExtensionData as well.


Do you foresee to include extra methods in the PolicyService in the coming versions of CMIS to retrieve such information?


Thanks and kind regards.



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