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Subject: Re: [codelist] Code list lifecycle examples

Thank you, Andrea, for posting Pim's examples.

Pim, I'm looking at Table 34 Countries considering how I might use this information in an example. I see no documentation on the significance of the asterisk that follows some of the end dates. Can you fill me in, please, on what the symbol represents as a semantic?

Also, please, codes 9036 and 9038 are the only codes marked as "Changed". What kind of change is implied by such an indication?

Thank you for joining our group! Welcome! I look forward to your contributions.

. . . . . . Ken

At 2022-01-04 17:42 +0100, Andrea Caccia wrote:
Fellow TC members,
Below the information I received from Pim, who sent the comment during the review period.
He also joined the TC for further discussion on the topic.


Many examples from the Netherlands government are at: <https://publicaties.rvig.nl/>https://publicaties.rvig.nl

Table 32 is the list of nationalities:


Some examples:
   * 0065, "Joegoslavische", ended "01-02-2004"
   * 0086, "Macedonische", started 19-04-1993, ended 12-02-2019.
   * 0088, "Macedonische/Burger van Noord-Macedonië", started 12-02-2019.

Table 34 is the list of countries:


Some examples:
   * 7038 "Tsjecho-Slowakije", ended on 01-01-1993
   * 6066 "Tsjechië", started on 01-01-1993
   * 6067 "Slowakije", started on 01-01-1993
Table 33 is the list of municipalities in the Netherlands:


For example, the following 5 municipalities ceased to exist on 01-01-2006:
   * 0306 Amerongen
   * 0315 Doorn
   * 0316 Driebergen-Rijsenburg
   * 0326 Leersum
   * 0332 Maarn

They merged and became a new municipality:
   * 1581 Utrechtse Heuvelrug

The former 5 entries in the table have a link to the new one.

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