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Subject: Re: [codelist] Code list lifecycle examples

Hello Ken,

I asked RVIG and was pointed to https://publicaties.rvig.nl/Landelijke_tabellen/Inleiding_op_de_Landelijke_Tabellen_BRP which documents the table format.

When an end date is marked by a * (asterisk), it is a fictitious end date. Such an end date in the table means a change was made to the code list at a date after the historic fact. Since data may have been added that used the code after the actual end date, but before the code list was updated, a fictitious later date was set instead. This obviated the need for retroactive changes in systems. Looking at the version of the list as published today, the last time this happened was in June 1991.

If a code is marked as changed in a particular version of a code list, this means the entry in the code list was changed from the previously issued version. Looking at the version of the list as published today, the country called Eswatini succeeded the country called Swaziland in April 2018. This marking is not possible in case of a deletion.

BRP is the Base Registry for Persons in the Netherlands.

Kind Regards,


On 09-01-2022 02:54, G. Ken Holman wrote:
Thank you, Andrea, for posting Pim's examples.

Pim, I'm looking at Table 34 Countries considering how I might use this information in an example. I see no documentation on the significance of the asterisk that follows some of the end dates. Can you fill me in, please, on what the symbol represents as a semantic?

Also, please, codes 9036 and 9038 are the only codes marked as "Changed". What kind of change is implied by such an indication?

Thank you for joining our group! Welcome! I look forward to your contributions.

. . . . . . Ken

At 2022-01-04 17:42 +0100, Andrea Caccia wrote:
Fellow TC members,
Below the information I received from Pim, who sent the comment during the review period.
He also joined the TC for further discussion on the topic.


Many examples from the Netherlands government are at: <https://publicaties.rvig.nl/>https://publicaties.rvig.nl

Table 32 is the list of nationalities:


Some examples:
ÂÂ * 0065, "Joegoslavische", ended "01-02-2004"
ÂÂ * 0086, "Macedonische", started 19-04-1993, ended 12-02-2019.
ÂÂ * 0088, "Macedonische/Burger van Noord-MacedoniÃÂ", started 12-02-2019.

Table 34 is the list of countries:


Some examples:
ÂÂ * 7038 "Tsjecho-Slowakije", ended on 01-01-1993
ÂÂ * 6066 "TsjechiÃÂ", started on 01-01-1993
ÂÂ * 6067 "Slowakije", started on 01-01-1993
Table 33 is the list of municipalities in the Netherlands:


For example, the following 5 municipalities ceased to exist on 01-01-2006:
ÂÂ * 0306 Amerongen
ÂÂ * 0315 Doorn
ÂÂ * 0316 Driebergen-Rijsenburg
ÂÂ * 0326 Leersum
ÂÂ * 0332 Maarn

They merged and became a new municipality:
ÂÂ * 1581 Utrechtse Heuvelrug

The former 5 entries in the table have a link to the new one.

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