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cti-interoperability message

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Subject: Re: Action Requested: Volunteers needed to test OASIS CTI TC Standards Supporter Registration

On 26.02.2016 07:27:44, Patrick Maroney wrote:
> Feedback is also welcomed, but not required.

Hey, Pat -

Looks great visually, nice work! Feedback below...

* On the first page, the 'Country' and 'Time Zone' fields should be
  drop-down menus instead of a free-text fields.

* Substitute STIX/CybOX/TAXII for STIX/TAXII throughout the survey.

* It's a bit awkward how the 'Product 1', 'Product 2', etc stuff is
  structured. It would make more sense to put this in a table, with
  'Product Name', 'Data Sheet', 'STIX/CybOX/TAXII/all', etc along the
  x axis.

* The issue with using SurveyMonkey is that unless you share your
  credentials with us all, the data is tied to you. The advantage of
  using Google Forms [0] is that it allows us to *all* have the same
  level of access without introducing Yet Another Platform.

[0]: https://www.google.com/forms/about/

Trey Darley
Senior Security Engineer
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