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Subject: Re: [cti] RFC - Pre-Planning for CTI and Sub-Committee Activities

Chet, et all, 

What is the process for making working groups inside of the subcommittees?  Is this left up to the members of the subcommittees?  Or is there an official OASIS process for it…?

As I see it this is what we need to do:

1) 7 days prior to our first meeting get a list of nominations for the CTI Chair / Co-Chairs 
2) Conduct first meeting
a) Elect a chair.  
i) Is this a verbal vote or an electronic ballot???
b) Propose the 3 sub-committees (STIX, TAXII, CyBOX) 
i) With their name, description, and work products
c) Get nominations for a Chair / Co-Chairs for each sub-committee
d) Elect Chairs / Co-Chairs for each sub-cimmittee 
3) Per the charter, do Phase 1
4) Per the charter, do Phase 2

As a general governance item, I would like to see the following implemented in our first meeting.

a) Each member organization may hold up to one primary leadership (Chair / Co-Chair) position at a time.

b) Each individual may hold up to one leadership position at a time

c) Leadership positions are voted upon every 12 months by open ballot

d) The structure I would like to see initially, out of the gate, is something like the following.  The reason for this is to make sure we have people dedicated and focused to the tasks at hand. 

CTI TC - Chair + Co-Chair
— STIX Subcommittee - Chair + Co-Chair
—— STIX 1.3 SubWG - Chair (Phase 1 work)
—— STIX 2.0 SubWG - Chair
—— Alternative Bindings SubWG - Chair
—— Database Solutions SubWG - Chair
—— Outreach and Integrations - Chair

— TAXII Subcommittee - Chair + Co-Chair
—— TAXII 1.2 SubWG - Chair (Phase 1 work)
—— TAXII 1.3 SubWG - Chair
—— TAXII 2.0 SubWG - Chair
—— Alternative Bindings  - Chair

— CyBOX Subcommittee - Chair + Co-Chair



Bret Jordan CISSP
Director of Security Architecture and Standards | Office of the CTO
Blue Coat Systems
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"Without cryptography vihv vivc ce xhrnrw, however, the only thing that can not be unscrambled is an egg." 

On Jun 1, 2015, at 08:34, Chet Ensign <chet.ensign@oasis-open.org> wrote:

Hi Patrick, hi all - 

Let me help you be productively proactive... 

If, at the first meeting, the members of the TC want to go ahead and establish the Subcommittees, you will need to have 4 items ready: subcommittee name, a brief statement of purpose, list of the deliverables it plans to bring back to the full TC, and name of someone who will Chair. For each subcommittee, the members will need to pass a resolution that lists all of these so that you can then turn it over to me and I can set the SCs up for you. (The governing rules are at https://www.oasis-open.org/policies-guidelines/tc-process#subcommittees.) 

So if you want to be prepared to make the motions at the first meeting, getting the name, statement of purpose and deliverables list ready ahead of time will save you a lot of time at the meeting. 

Let me know if you have any questions. 



On Sun, May 31, 2015 at 12:52 PM, Patrick Maroney <Pmaroney@specere.org> wrote:
Formation of Sub-Committees and meeting schedules will of course be key agenda items in the kick-off(s), but wanted to engage everyone in a discussion to see if we can establish general consensus prior to any formal motions to codify these decisions in the kick-off meeting.

I think it is safe to presume, in general terms for this discussion,  that the CTI TC will establish the three subcommittees: STIX, TAXII, and CybOX. 

Scope of this RFC is limited to initial community discussions on the frequency and duration of the four presumed recurring coordination and planning meetings.  This does not preclude future discussion of any motions for additional sub-committees, but ask that we focus here (again in generalized terms) on the four established CTI TC committees.

It is also presumed there will be a requirement for more frequent meetings in the initial efforts to plan, organize, and coordinate activities for the known Phase 1 objectives of codifying existing body of work as OASIS Standards.  We should be able to establish a good sense of pace and level of engagement required for follow-on initiatives and objectives from these initial processes.

I'll attempt to narrow the RFC to thoughts on the Frequency and Duration for each of the four committees.  For example:  CTI TC meets monthly for two hours and each of the sub-committees weekly for one hour each:

           CTI TC    STIX    TAXII    CybOX
F:         M             W        W         W
D:        2H            1H       1H       1H

Hopefully, this will aid in establishing the level of commitment each of us can make individually, communicating to our respective leadership stakeholders to gain their support,  and help to inform our discourse on initial planning, pacing, etc.

Patrick Maroney
Office: (856)983-0001
Cell: (609)841-5104


Chet Ensign
Director of Standards Development and TC Administration 
OASIS: Advancing open standards for the information society

Primary: +1 973-996-2298
Mobile: +1 201-341-1393 

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