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Subject: Timestamps and Temporal Intervals

I want to help drive closure on Timestamps and breach the topic of Temporal Intervals* for the next major version. 

I posit there are two distinct temporal aspects to the _expression_ of "things" and their relationships to other "things" in the CTI Domain.  

(1) Absolute:  "Event x"  happened at absolute Time "T1".

(2) Relative Intervals:  "Event x" happened "Relative To(Rn**)" "Event y" [at relative interval "Interval In"
 **Where Rn = [Before, During, After,  At_Start_Of, At_End_Of, ...]

Therefore, we need to represent these temporal concepts in different forms (breaking the "One way to do Things" rule on the basis that these are two different "Things").

I believe we are very close to reaching consensus on Absolute Timestamps.  I propose that we should specifically identify and treat Temporal Intervals as a separate requirement and topic for discussion somewhere in the Road Map.  (IF there is consensus:  perhaps as part of Relationships and/or Patterning???)

* To set the framework for what is meant by "Temporal Intervals",  and some approaches one can consider in their representation, I refer everyone to James Allen's seminal paper from 1983:

Patrick Maroney
Office:  (856)983-0001
Cell:      (609)841-5104

Integrated Networking Technologies, Inc.
PO Box 569
Marlton, NJ 08053

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