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Subject: Re: [dita-adoption] Agenda: DITA Adoption TC Meeting - 05-04-2021

I have an internal meeting conflict. Please accept my regrets today.



ïOn 5/3/21, 3:14 PM, "dita-adoption@lists.oasis-open.org on behalf of Dr. Stanley Doherty" <dita-adoption@lists.oasis-open.org on behalf of stan@modularwriting.com> wrote:

    [External Email]

              OASIS DITA Adoption Meeting
    ZOOM Connection Info:

    Join Zoom Meeting

    Meeting ID: 844 7385 1179
    Passcode: R2D2
    Waiting room . . . enabled.

    1. Ongoing review of OASIS DITA charters:
       a. https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/dita/charter.php__;!!N4vogdjhuJM!Rr9NrohqeMKjESTOsbkySBq5ckAdgrPZ76AYEA_9jaKpGP54i0RjcwckpTSm76WxydTawg$
       b. https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/dita-adoption/charter.php__;!!N4vogdjhuJM!Rr9NrohqeMKjESTOsbkySBq5ckAdgrPZ76AYEA_9jaKpGP54i0RjcwckpTSm76UYeLS5CA$

    2. Charter comments and discussions to date:
       a. March 02, 2021 updates to the Adoption TC charter:
       b. February 02 list of questions to discuss with DITA TC (https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/dita-adoption/download.php/68327/dita-adoption-to-dita-tc-questions.txt__;!!N4vogdjhuJM!Rr9NrohqeMKjESTOsbkySBq5ckAdgrPZ76AYEA_9jaKpGP54i0RjcwckpTSm76XDSecvyQ$ )
       b. February 02 edits to the existing charter (https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/dita-adoption/download.php/68242/OASIS-DITA-Adoption-Technical-Committee-Charter_notes_02-02-2021.docx__;!!N4vogdjhuJM!Rr9NrohqeMKjESTOsbkySBq5ckAdgrPZ76AYEA_9jaKpGP54i0RjcwckpTSm76WvjNM7Iw$ )
       c. January 10 comments from Gershon Joseph (below)

    3. TC name change:

       a. The TC reviewed Chet's 03-16-2021 email feedback on OASIS
          guidelines for renaming existing TCs.

       b. The Adoption TC was not in favor of changing its name if that
          - Additional overhead in creating a new TC.
          - Losing the cross-over charter elements currently in the DITA
            TC and Adoption TC charters.

       Resolution: Keep the current TC name. If the Adoption TC picks up
       lots of new members, it can revisit the issue of renaming and
       reconstituting itself.

    4. OASIS integration and support:

       a. The TC had a lively discussion about the benefits and drawbacks
          of doing user advocacy work from within the OASIS
          organizational structure.
          - Membership costs
          - Narrow institutional focus on the development of XML language
            specs versus "advancement" of the same.

       b. The TC was not confident in its understanding of the
          relative benefits/drawbacks of OASIS relative to other
          relevant standards or professional advocacy organizations.

       Resolution: We need more information from and about other
       - ISO (Keith to contact)
       - CIDM (Gershon to contact)
       - ACM (Stan to contact) DONE
       - Write the Docs (Stan to contact) DONE
       - IEEE (Stan to contact) DONE
       - W3C (TBD)

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