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Subject: Re: [dita-comment] Re: [External] : [dita-comment] Adding @outputclass to colspec element

Hi Kris,

Thank you for your update.

I appreciate your help.

This feature will be used suddenly in current DITA 1.3 user.


On 2022/01/05 0:05, Kristen James Eberlein wrote:

Hi, Makita-san.

Just to let you know that we have updated the grammar files for the DITA 1.3 errata in GitHub: https://github.com/oasis-tcs/dita/tree/hotfix/DITA-1.3_Errata03


Kristen James Eberlein
Chair, OASIS DITA Technical Committee

On 12/13/2021 4:53 PM, Toshihiko Makita wrote:

Thank you for your reply.

As our user will stay in DITA 1.3 for certain terms, I'm looking forward the grammar files update.


On 2021/12/14 1:58, Robert Anderson wrote:

It looks like you have found an error in the DITA 1.3 specification. The text that you linked to does list @outputclass as a valid attribute for the <colspec> element, but it is not defined in either the DTD or RNG Grammar files.

The good news is that it is already there in the DITA 2.0 vocabulary:

You should be able to use this in DITA 2.0, and I think the TC should discuss whether to add this to the grammar files in the errata branch for the 1.3 specification.


From: Toshihiko Makita <tmakita@antenna.co.jp>
Sent: Monday, December 13, 2021 5:42 AM
To: dita-comment@lists.oasis-open.org <dita-comment@lists.oasis-open.org>
Subject: [External] : [dita-comment] Adding @outputclass to colspec element

Dear DITA committee,

If this is already discussed, please forgive me.

I have a strong requirement from user to add table column specific PDF formatting and tried to use colspec/@outputclass but it seems not allowed by DITA 1.3 DTD.

The requirements are as follows:

  1. If table/row/entry in specific column is divided into multiple pages, output the original entry content in page 2 or later. Probably this column is used as title column.
  2. Also table/row/entry in specific column is divided into multiple pages,output the specific word first such as "Continued" in page 2 or later. This column is used as data column.

In the following URL, colspec/@outputclass seems to be allowed. But I cannot use in DITA 1.3 DTD. I think it is very convenient that I can author column specific attributes via colspec/@outputclass. (For instance, apply column specific background color in table formatting.) <colspec>

> The following attributes are available on this element: Universal attribute group (without the Metadata attribute group), @base from the Metadata attribute group , outputclass, and the attributes defined below.

If there is any misunderstanding, please let me know it to me.


 Toshihiko Makita
 Development Group. Antenna House, Inc. Ina Branch
 E-Mail tmakita@antenna.co.jp
 8077-1 Horikita Minamiminowa Vil. Kamiina Co.
 Nagano Pref. 399-4511 Japan
 Tel +81-265-76-9300 Fax +81-265-78-1668
 Web site:
 Toshihiko Makita
 Development Group. Antenna House, Inc. Ina Branch
 E-Mail tmakita@antenna.co.jp
 8077-1 Horikita Minamiminowa Vil. Kamiina Co.
 Nagano Pref. 399-4511 Japan
 Tel +81-265-76-9300 Fax +81-265-78-1668
 Web site:
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 Toshihiko Makita
 Development Group. Antenna House, Inc. Ina Branch
 E-Mail tmakita@antenna.co.jp
 8077-1 Horikita Minamiminowa Vil. Kamiina Co.
 Nagano Pref. 399-4511 Japan
 Tel +81-265-76-9300 Fax +81-265-78-1668
 Web site:

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