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Subject: RE: [dita-help] Name for Best Practices Document

I agree


-----Original Message-----
From: Tony Self [mailto:tself@hyperwrite.com] 
Sent: 22 January 2009 03:20
To: dita-help@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: RE: [dita-help] Name for Best Practices Document

Dear colleagues

So far, we have the following suggestions for the title of the "best
practices" document:

. Existing DITA Help Options
. Survey of existing technology for DITA Help . Practical Guide to
Developing Help in DITA . Current DITA Help Technology . DITA Help
Technology Survey . DITA Help Technology Overview . DITA Help Implementation
Options . DITA Help Implementation Overview . DITA Help Development Guide

I prefer the ones starting with "DITA Help...". I prefer "implementation"
over "development", I think the document is too deep to be just an
"overview" (I think "guide" is a better word), and perhaps "options" is a
little wishy-washy. So my preferred option is probably none of the above,
but a new one:

. DITA Help Implementation Guide

What would everyone else vote for?


Tony Self

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