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Subject: Issue 12007 : Indirect reference/keyref proposal

Attached is the current draft of the proposal for DITA Issue # 12007 : Indirect referencing based on key references and key definitions to increase reusability of content.

This was originally proposed feature #40 (11040).

The current draft is based on an initial draft by Michael Priestly and is the work of an ad hoc subcommittee convened by Michael Priestly that includes: Michael Priestley, Jeff Ogden, Erik Hennum, Deborah Pickett; Ian Larner; Michael Gannon, and Eliot Kimber.

This proposal is not yet ready for discussion by the full DITA TC, but the ad hoc subcommittee would welcome comments and suggestions on the current approach as outlined in the draft. Send your comments to this list (dita@lists.oasis-open.org) or to jogden@ptc.com or to mpriestl@ca.ibm.com.

  -Jeff Ogden

Title: DITA Proposed Feature # 40

DITA Issue # 12007 (draft version 2.1, 29 October 2007)

Indirect referencing based on key references and key definitions to increase reusability of content.

This was originally proposed feature #40 (11040).

The current draft is based on an initial draft by Michael Priestly and is the work of an ad hoc subcommittee convened by Michael Priestly that includes: Michael Priestley, Jeff Ogden, Erik Hennum, Deborah Pickett; Ian Larner; Michael Gannon, and Eliot Kimber.

This proposal is not yet ready for discussion by the full DITA TC, but the ad hoc subcommittee would welcome comments and suggestions on the current approach as outlined here. Send comments to the DITA TC list or to jogden@ptc.com or to mpriestl@ca.ibm.com.

Longer description

Whenever a topic has a reference to other content, it makes the topic less reusable because of the dependency on the target being still available and still relevant. This proposal introduces a simple key-based redirection scheme that leverages existing attributes and map architectures to provide support for redirectable conrefs, topicrefs, xrefs, and other reference elements. It also provides a simplified architecture for managing variable or volatile content such as product names, which need to be easily swapped out when a topic is reused in new contexts.

Key names are defined using  a topicref or topocref specialization that uses the new keys attribute. A keys definition defines one or more key names and the value to which the keys resolve. Keys resolve to the URI given as the href value or to the contents of a linktext element contained within a topicref or topicref specialization.

Key definitions are used to resolve references when a reference attribute (href, conref, …) on an element in a topic or a map contains a key reference. A key reference consists of the string “ditakey:” followed by a key name, optionally followed by a “/” character and an id of a sub-topic element or by a “#” character and an id of a map element. If a key reference cannot be resolved, the reference is resolved using an optional fallback reference attribute on the original reference element.



Use Case 1: Redirect link or xref

  1. Author 1 creates a map that associates keys with each topic, for example <topicref keys="a" href=""a.dita"/>
  2. Author 1 creates topic c.dita that contains a related link to a.dita - but uses the keyref attribute: <link href=""ditakey:a"" fbref="a.dita"/>
  3. Author 2 reuses c.dita, but wants to redirect the link, so applies a different map with <topicref keys="a" href=""a1.dita"/>." The link in c.dita now resolves to a1.dita when author 2 builds it (it continues to resolve to a.dita when author 1 builds it)
  4. Author 3 also reuses c.dita, but wants the link to point to an external resource, so creates an external-pointing topicref to resolve the key: <topicref keys="a" href=""http://www.a..."" scope="external"><topicmeta><linktext>This links to A2</linktext><desc>Because it does.</desc></topicmeta></topicref>. The link in c.dita now resolves to an external URI when author 3 builds it (without affecting how it resolves for the other two reusers).
  5. Author 4 wants to get rid of the link, so creates an explicitly empty topicref to get rid of it: <topicref keys="a"/>. This gets rid of the link for author 4 without affecting the other reusers.
  6. Author 5 wants to turn the link into just plain text (not hypertext): <topicref keys="a"><topicmeta><linktext>This is just text.</linktext></topicmeta></topicref> - for example a citation of a print-only magazine article...

Note: Should have a warning when an inline xref is removed.

Use case 2: Redirect conref

  1. Author 1 creates a map that associates a key with a topic that contains reusable elements, for example <topicref keys="reuse" href=""prodA/reuse.dita"/>
  2. Author 1 uses the key instead of the full href whenever creating conrefs - for example <p conref="ditakey:reuse/para1"/>
  3. Author 2 wants to reuse author 1's content, but swap in a different set of reusable content. So Author 2 associates the key "reuse" with a different topic: <topicref keys="reuse" href=""prodB/mytopic.dita"/>." So now <p conref="ditakey:reuse/para1"/> will resolve to a paragraph with the id “para1” in prodB/mytopic.dita when author 2 builds the content, while continuing to resolve to athe para with the id “para1” in prodA/reuse.dita for author 1.

Note: The reusing author must create a parallel set of elements and ids in the replacement topic - this proposal does not remap the element ids within the topic, only the pointer to the topic container.

Use case 3: Create links from keywords/terms/etc.

  1. Author 1 creates a map that contains glossary entries, and associates keys for each entry: <topicref keys="myterm" href=""myterm.dita"/>
  2. Author 1 then uses the keys to create links to the appropriate glossary entry from occurrences of terms in content: <term keyref="ditakey:myterm">my term</term>.

Use case 4: Swap out variable content

  1. Author 1 creates a map for key words and phrases that tend to change, such as ui labels and product names. The topicrefs do not in this case contain any actual hrefs, just the text that should be used: <topicref keys="prodname"><topicmeta><linktext>My Product</linktext></topicmeta></topicref>
  2. Author 1 then uses the keys to draw text into empty keywords: <keyword keyref="ditakey:prodname"/>
  3. Author 2 reuses the content but wants to use a different product name, so associates prodname with a different string: <topicref keys="prodname"><topicmeta><linktext>Another Product</linktext></topicmeta></topicref>. The keyword now resolves to "Another Product" for author 2, while continuing to resolve to "My Product" for author 1.

Note: Should generate a warning message when a key reference on an empty element cannot be resolved, resulting in the element effectively being removed.

Use case 5: Splitting/combining targets

  1. Author 1 creates a map in which most branches have the same structure: intro, example, reference. But two branches have only very little content in them, because the product support is only minimal. But in anticipation of future elaboration, author 1 assigns 3 keys to the container under which more topics are expected in the future: <topicref keys="blatoverview blatintro blatexample blatreference" href=""blatoverview.dita"/>
  2. Author 2 references ditakey:blatexample, and in the future when Author 1 moves blatexample into a separate topic, author 2's link remains appropriate and valid and does not need to be reworked.
  3. Author 3 is reusing a bunch of author 1's content, but in a context where blats are not available, and are instead replaced by foobars. So author 3 simply adds the blat keys to their own foobar topicref: <topicref keys="blatoverview blatintro blatexample blatreference foobar" href=""foobar.dita"/>

Technical Requirements

Add keys and usage attributes to topicref element in map.

Add keyref attribute to selected elements in topic and map [need a complete list of elements].

Remove keyref attribute from and add fbref (fallback reference) attribute to selected elements in topic and map [need a complete list of elements].

Document  the keys attribute and key name syntax: The keys attribute value consists of one or more space separated key names. Key names consist of characters that are legal in a URI and which cannot contain the “/”, “#”, or space  characters. The use of periods in key names is discouraged  to allow the use of periods to establish a hierarchal key name space in the future.

Document key reference syntax: the string “ditakey:” followed by a key name optionally followed by / and topic element id or # and mapid; for example,

  • ditakey:keyname
  • ditakey:keyname/elementid
  • ditakey:keyname#mapid

Key references can be added to or used from any of the existing reference attributes (href, conref, …) in topics or maps [need a complete list of elements]. When an elementid or a mapid is present as part of a key reference, the id is combined with the resolved key definition value to make the complete reference.

Document fbref value syntax and semantics: a non-keyref reference value that when present will be used in place of the primary reference attribute when the primary reference attribute includes a key reference that cannot be resolved.

Document usage attribute syntax and semantics: a list of one or more space separated tokens that indicate the role or roles that the topicref or topicref specialization is playing.  Like class and domains, the usage attribute value will usually be defined in the DTD or schema rather than in the document instance. Standard usage tokens are “content”, “relationships”, and “properties”. Additional new usage tokens may be added.  The three standard tokens  will be included as the default value for @usage, but this could be changed for a specific topicref specialization.  To avoid name conflicts it is suggested that user’s adopt the same prefixing scheme for user defined usage tokens as is currently suggested for chunk token names. [Need more detail on the semantics of each of the three standard usage tokens.]

Document required behavior in language and architectural specs, as follows:

Keys are defined in maps and not in topics. Keys resolve to topics, to collections of topics (ditabase), to maps, to referencable portions of maps, to non-DITA documents, to external URIs, or to text strings. Keys do not resolve to sub-topic elements.

Key definitions are not scoped by the map in which they occur or by nesting within a map. Key definitions and key references are processed in the order in which they are encountered. An earlier key definition is overridden by a later key definition. Key references included in conref attributes are resolved before the conref is processed.

Key references are resolved as follows:


  1. For a match to a key definition with @href:
    Element with key reference is turned into link to the referenced target; if element is empty, text of element is pulled from topicref.
  2. For a match to a key definition with title but no @href:
    Element with key reference is not turned into link. If element is empty, text of element is pulled from topicref's linktext.
  3. For a match to a key definition with neither title nor @href:
    Element with key reference is not turned into link. If element is empty, element is left empty.
  4. No match to a key definition:
    Element with key reference is not turned into link. If there is a fbref attribute on the referencing element, it is used as the reference. Otherwise, if the referencing element is empty, it is left empty and a warning emitted by the key reference processor.

The common attributes between a key reference element and a key definition element other than the keys and id attributes are combined in a fashion that is similar to the combining that is defined for attributes on source and target conref elements today including the special processing for the xml:lang, dir, and translate attributes.

When they are combined, attributes on a key reference element take precedence over attributes on a key definition element. For a chain of key reference elements the priority for combining attributes is:

1.       key reference element
2.       1st keys definition element
3.       2nd keys definition element
4.       . . .
5.       last keys definition element

The combined attributes may cascade from one map to another or from a map to a topic, but this is controlled by existing rules for cascading which do not change with the use of key references.


Toolkit will need to include preprocessing pass to turn key references into file/topic references for HTML or other output. Usability requirements on editors to support key-based references, for example so that conrefs can continue being resolved in the editor, even though the conref attribute on its own is no longer enough to locate the content (the conref must be interpreted in the context of a map file that associates the target key with a particular topic). This puts a further premium on supporting map-based authoring, i.e., authoring a topic in the context of a map, rather than as isolated chunks.


A major increase in reusability of content. Removes need for file-system-centric workarounds such as conref substitution. Opportunity for improved compatibility between different content management systems, and between CMSs and other systems such as file systems, dynamic web publishing systems, databases, etc. - each of which could use their own key scheme and just externalize it as a map file for the keyed content, as well as remapping keys to the preferred linking or retrieval mechanism at runtime.

Time Required

5 one hour meetings to agree on requirements and solution (hoping, three down, two to go)

2 days to document

? days to implement changes to DTDs and schemas

? days to implement changes to DITA Open Toolkit and other output processors


  • We have pretty much agreed that it is not necessary to support direct remapping below the topic element level. We want to confirm  with others that this limitation is acceptable. If it is, it buys us a lot in terms of compartmentalizing the problem and maintaining architectural consistency (maps only reference topics, stuff below the topic level is handled within topics not by maps).
  • We aren’t particularly happy with the “ditakey:keyname” syntax. Can we come up with something better? The creation of new top level URI schemes such as “ditakey” is being discouraged. Other options that have been considered are to use a special character such as dollar-sign ($) to flag the keyref value or to enclose the key name in [square] or {curly} brackets. While there are drawbacks to using a scheme such as ditakey:, there are also issues of needing to make the reference value something that could be a valid URI. A concern is that to make a keyref a valid URI that the reference would need to start with either a #-sign or a question mark (?). For example:
    #$keyname             #[keyname]            #{keyname}
    #$keyname/elementid   #[keyname]/elementid  #{keyname}/elementid
    #$keyname#mapid       #[keyname]#mapid      #{keyname}#mapid
    The concern is that starting the values with a pound-sign (#) or question mark (?) will be confusing to users.  There is also a feeling that having two pound-signs in a single reference value, while legal, is likely to be confusing.  We would like to get confirmation from someone who knows more about schemes and URIs then we do, about how this solution will be viewed, what is or isn’t legal, and what alternative approaches are possible.  We are concerned that we have gotten ourselves into a spot were we only have mediocre choices.  We’d love to learn that we are mistaken. One solution is to omit the leading # or ? character:
    $keyname             [keyname]            {keyname}
    $keyname/elementid   [keyname]/elementid  {keyname}/elementid
    $keyname#mapid       [keyname]#mapid      {keyname}#mapid
    If this approach is taken, a DITA reference that contains a key reference will no longer be a valid URI, although it will resolve to a valid URI.
  • The original proposal allowed matching on topic id if there is no match on a key defined in a map. Matching on topic ids has been eliminated from the current proposal.  Is this OK?
  • Indirect references are only supported when the reference attributes have been setup to use key references in advance. Do we want to allow information in a map to override references that do not contain explicit key references? This would make it easier to redirect references without having to go back and retrofit key references in existing topics and maps.
  • Do we want to require key names to be valid NMTOKENs?
  • Will there ever be a need to defer resolution of key references from composition time to viewing time?  If so, we may need to rethink the idea of using the current definition of a key at the point where the key reference is encountered.
  • Should a new topicref specialization, keydef, be defined with a usage attribute value of “properties” and the standard usage value for topicref changed to “content relationships”?
  • The order of priority for combining attributes between key reference and key definition elements is patterned after the similar behavior for conrefs where the source overrides the target. Or said another way the referencing element overrides the referenced element. This means that attributes on the key reference element override attributes on the key definition element. But for the reference attribute  itself the key definition element is overriding the key reference element. Would it be better for all of the attributes to follow the same priority order?

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