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Subject: Upcoming DITA 1.2 vote: Have you contacted your company's OASIS representative?

Hi, DITA TC members.


On November 1st, the DITA 1.2 specification will be submitted to OASIS for consideration. Between 16-30 November, OASIS organizational members will be able to cast a vote to approve DITA 1.2 as a standard.


The DITA TC wants to get started with the process of encouraging people to vote on DITA 1.2 once the ballot opens in mid-November.


Many of you represent companies that have an organizational membership with OASIS; some of you TC members actually are the primary representative for your company. At this time, we’d like to ask TC members to post the following information to the DITA TC mailing list:


·         Name of the company

·         (For primary OASIS representatives) That you are aware of the upcoming ballot and intend to vote once the ballot is open

·         (For TC members who are not the primary OASIS rep) That you have contacted your company’s primary rep and that she or he intends to vote when the ballot opens


This will enable us to keep a tally.


Here is how to find out who is the primary OASIS representative for your company:


1.     Go to http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/voting/members/roster.php. You need to authenticate with your OASIS user name and password.

2.     Locate the representative for your company. Some companies have multiple representatives; in that case, locate the person listed as primary.

3.     Click the person’s name; their membership information is displayed. If their e-mail information is not listed, you can send them e-mail by clicking Send an email.

Thanks for your help!

Best regards,


Kristen James Eberlein l  Secretary, OASIS DITA Technical Committee & Charter Member, DITA Adoption Committee l SDL Structured Content Technologies Division l (t) + 1 (919) 682-2290 l keberlein@sdl.com


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