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Subject: [dita] Meeting Minutes 19 April 2020 (Minor correction)

Hi Frank --

I joined the TC meeting last week late -- a few minutes after roll call. I pinged in chat.


Kris: Send nag email to Eliot about stat
Kris: Catch up on minutes
Kris: Check out status of Keith's proposal for <em> and <strong>

Minutes of the OASIS DITA TC
Tuesday, 19 May 2020
Recorded by Frank Wegmann
link to agenda for this meeting: 

Attendance: Jim Tivy, Zoe Lawson, Dawn Stevens, Kris Eberlein, Nancy Harrison, Chris Nitchie, Keith Schengili-Roberts, Eric Sirois, Robert Anderson, Gershon Joseph, Carsten Brennecke, Frank Wegmann, Carlos Evia, Deb Bissantz


1. Roll call
Regrets: Scott Hudson, Eliot Kimber

2. Approve minutes from previous business meeting:
14 April 2020
X (Lawson + Eberlein, 21 April 2020) 
21 April 2020
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/202004/msg00017.html (Harrison, 21 April 2020) 
; TC will get it right after meeting
12 May 2020
- Kris; will add missing minutes
No minutes approved by TC, to be done on next week's meeting

3. Announcements

4. Action items
no updates

5. Check-in: How are people doing in this difficult time?
Informal chat to give TC members opportunity to report on anything going on facing the Covid-19 crisis.

6. Review of DITA 2.0 proposal deadlines
[updates only]

Stage two
(Dawn) working on it, with contributions from Scott
(Eliot) Action item: Kris to send nag email to Eliot

Kris updated new version of approved DITA 2.0 proposals: 
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/202005/msg00003.html (Eberlein, 11 May 2020)

7. DITA 2.0 stage two proposals
Initial discussion
Remove Machinery Task #350
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/202005/msg00012.html (Lawson, 19 May 2020)

Zoe; thanked Kris and Robert for reviewing her proposal, given that this type task was added, before she joined TC. Motivation is to remove Machinery Task because there is no one in the TC right now to maintain it. However, everything should be kept together outside the DITA repository to allow continued use.
Kris; This was championed by Chris Kravogel at the time, but there is no TC expertise anymore
Frank; Zoe mentioned to put the material on GitHub, is that a proven procedure?
Kris; This is something new to do, because of backward compatibility before 2.0, and also because the OASIS repository on GitHub wasn't there before.
Robert; During work on the spec, there is enough time to act on these changes; this is not necessary for stage 3
Gershon; I have no comments, solid proposal.
Kris; Are there any objections to move for a vote next week? No.

Early feedback
Add Hardware Domain #257
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/202005/msg00013.html (Lawson, 19 May 2020)

Zoe; This is still in discussion, but it should get out for feedback. Instead of uicontrol, hwcontrol is proposed which could further be distinguished between continuous control (slider, knobs, ...) and discrete control (buttons, levers, ...), which may be specializations. Another request is part number (<partno>), which could be part of hwcontrol, but also independent from it. We're not done discussing it.
Kris; Pretty solid, maybe less to finishing it than you think. Going through the draft comments. No third reviewer necessary (stage 1 needs one, stage 2 two reviewers). Robert suggesting @outputclass...
Robert; Should add no new attribute to domain, because it requires specialization, and can only be done globally.
Chris; You can't add an attribute to a base element, and hwcontrol is not a base element.
Kris; We go with @outputclass.
Zoe; We have two different types of controls...
Kris; This could be an excellent example.
Robert; Do not provide all kinds of @outputclass values.
Kris; What should the model of hwcontrol be? Model it like uicontrol?
Robert; No shortcut in hwcontrol, as uicontrol is. Also, there's menucascade...
Kris; Any volunteers for working on the content model with Zoe?
Robert; I'm happy to help from a technical point of view.
Krisl Should this be a subset of uicontrol?
Dawn; Agreed. There's a lot uicontrol that we don't need./=
Kris; Most people will use hwcontrol together with image and data.
Dawn; partno should be part of hwcontrol; uicontrol has too muuch UI stuff
Kris; How complete should the content model be?
Robert; Watch out for unintended consequences. To define a constraint makes sense for hw domain and sw domain. Focus on base elements, see what it means for the integrated TechComm shells, then do we need a constraint to make it usable?
Kris; Zoe, go for the base elements; this is all to do by now.
Robert; ...allow phrase and keyboard, you goto much that doesn't make much sense in connection with hwcontrol. Painful to add a domain, but also to make constraints from the UI domain
Kris; I have much experience in constraints, so I volunteer to work with Zoe. -> Action item.
Deb; I got some examples that might appear in tables: model numbers with specific options (e.g. field service manual)
Kris; When specializing from data, numbers are not rendered, but in some cases they are. Should we use @outputclass to decide about rendering?
Dawn; For a service manual the default behavior is that it gets rendered.
Robert; I agree not to specialize from data.
Jim Tivy; Instead of partno, we could have a part name side by side, since a search for part name is useful.
Dawn; No clients of mine look for part names, only part numbers. They do not want to do anything specific with part names, they want to call out the part number.
Kris; We have a building block here that does 80%. Zoe, congrats! Very helpful to add draft comments for discussing early feedback. I encourage everyone to do so in the future.

8. Spec work completed

Robert; Last month I worked on reorganizing how keys are defined for preparing the publishing the TechComm part. I also integrated the simple table proposal, it is now part of the grammar files, also reorganized the TechComm grammar files
Kris; Any volunteers for the TechComm spec? (No.) All this work is a prerequisite for working on the TechComm spec.

9. Approved DITA 2.0 proposals
Working draft #09
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/202005/msg00003.html (Eberlein, 11 May 2020)

12 noon ET close

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