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Subject: [dita] Groups - DITA TC Meeting Minutes 10 May 2022 uploaded


Some corrections to the minutes:

  • Review of proposal deadlines: my update was to stage three #647 (remove classification domain and add @subjectrefs). The update to #670 (add new attribute for imposing a role) was that Robert would get a stage two proposal out by the end of the week.
  • Future of the TC: Stan (not Keith) volunteered to look through OASIS rosters for 1) getting a sense of what are the companies who are represented on the TC (but not active), and 2) OASIS members with DITA implementations who are NOT TC members.

We also closed at 11: 30 AM ET.




From: dita@lists.oasis-open.org <dita@lists.oasis-open.org> On Behalf Of Nancy Harrison
Sent: Monday, May 23, 2022 6:06 PM
To: dita@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: [dita] Groups - DITA TC Meeting Minutes 10 May 2022 uploaded


Submitter's message
ActionItems: none

Minutes of the OASIS DITA TC
Tuesday, 10 May 2022
Recorded by Hancy Harrison
link to agenda for this meeting:

Robert Anderson, Stan Doherty, Kris Eberlein, Nancy Harrison, Scott Hudson, Eliot Kimber, Zoe Lawson, Eric Sirois, Dawn Stevens, Jim Tivy

1. Roll call
Regrets: Carsten Brennecke, Keith Schengili-Robert, Gershon Joseph, Frank Wegmann

2. Approve minutes from previous business meeting:
12 April 2022
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/202204/msg00018.html (Harrison, 18 April 2022)
Approved as submitted by acclimation.
[No formal minutes from 19 April 2022, since we did not reach quorum]

3. Announcements
Stan Doherty has taken a position at Google; will continue to sit on TC.

4. Action items
[no updates]

5. Review of DITA 2.0 proposal deadlines
- Kris; making progress on stage 3 proposal(#15) for new role-imposition attribute when referencing a map. Plan is to get to reviewers in next week.

6. Report from LwDITA subcommittee
[On hold until Frank Wegmann can be present]

7. Report back from ConVEx 2022
- Scott; George Bina's presentation put Eliot[s and my gears in motionn wrt how DITA might be delivered with React. And we
did have a small DITA TC dinner.
- Dawn; conference was a good one, most folks were just happy to be back in person; not as well attended presentations, but folks just were toogether.
- Eliot; I'd forgotten what it was like to talk to people in hallways. The venue was ideal post-pandemic; so open, so much space.
- Robert; yeah, the venue worked out very well.
- Kris; any new themes?
- Eliot; for me, wrt new things, at least 2 vendors were presenting automated creation of videos from DITA ontent. Text-to-Media and Videate were the vendors. It's a technology that's really improved in last couple of years.
- Kris; it was sort of theoretical before...
- Eliot; now it's something that actually works.
- Dawn; also, I got a lot of questions about whether we'll do DITA Europe; I'm doing a bit more research now. Originally I'd been talking about going to Budpest; now it's an issue because of politics and Ukraine; so we're research other venues. We're leaning towards having it; it would be a small day, but with a DITA-OT day with it. No official announcement yet, but we're leaning in that direction.
- Kris; was it an ok event for CIDM?
- Dawn; about 60-70% of pre-pandemic attendance, which seems to be the norm right now.
- Kris; thanks to you and CIDM for doing it, and for thinking about DITA Europe.

8. (Continued) GitHub issue: dita-lwdita
[Kris: We need to handle this as if it were feedback coming in through dita-comment]
o Cannot create inline graphics in HTML5 output (Issue #60)
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/202204/msg00010.html (forwarded by Eberlein; from DTC-tobin)
o Has LwDITA subcommittee responded to issue on GitHub?
[On hold until Frank Wegmann is present ]

9. Volunteer tasks
Tasks folks can volunteer for (https://wiki.oasis-open.org/dita/volunteerTasks)
- Kris; this is just a set of tables for unreviewed content that has and has not been reviewed, from Nancy's comment early in spring. This was useful for me to put together so we can get this done. Can we build a better schedule, also a table for appendices? things like '1+' mean we didn't have exact idea of what needs to be done.
- Nancy; thanks; looks like it will be very useful.
- Robert; help with small tasks is always nice....

10. Update on review progress

11. Continuing discussion of future of DITA TC
Better marketing for DITA, something like https://asciidoc.org/ ?
Can existing voting members of the TC dig deep and find an additional 1-2 hours per week to contribute?
Can we recruit from existing OASIS member companies that have DITA implementations?
(Info about OASIS companies) https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/202109/msg00001.html (Eberlein, 02 September 2021)
Can we recruit from companies that are NOT current OASIS members?
What companies have strong DITA implementations but are not OASIS members?
DITA Foundation, like that for Eclipse which sponsors ASCIIDOC?
New ideas?
- Kris; I jotted down stuff based on our latest discussion. e.g. can we recruit from companies that are OASIS members but not DITA TC members. Can we sponsor a foundation? What about companies that aren't in OASIS but do lots of DITA work? any thoughts, ideas? any talk at ConVex?
- Eliot; don't recall it really coming up.
- Robert; had a chance with a couple of people who made noises about joining TC, but nothing more.
- Scott; makes sense to reach out to folks who have large DITA implementations but aren't members.
- Kris; that requires thinking about what companies are already OASIS members, for a list of companies that are OASIS members but don't have a TC member.
- Keith; I'd be glad to help
- Kris; it really involves cross-ref'ing between OASIS members, TC roster, and having a sense of who has DITA implementations;
- Keith; I'll run up what I think I'll be doing.

12 noon ET close

-- Ms. Nancy Harrison

Document Name: DITA TC Meeting Minutes 10 May 2022

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Submitter: Ms. Nancy Harrison
Group: OASIS Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) TC
Folder: Meeting Notes
Date submitted: 2022-05-23 15:06:23


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