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docbook-apps message

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Subject: DOCBOOK-APPS: Tex main memory exceeded when stylesheet changed.

We changed our stylesheet customization:

(define %generate-reference-toc-on-titlepage%
  ;; #t, #f

from #f to #t, and now our larger publications exceed Tex's main memory:

Runaway definition?
! TeX capacity exceeded, sorry [main memory size=263001].
\g@addto@macro ...fter {#1#2}\xdef #1{\the \toks@ 
l.114260 ...endSeq{}\endNode{}\endNode{}\endSeq{}}

!  ==> Fatal error occurred, the output PDF file not finished!

Following Sebastian's advice for jadetex, our hugelatex file has been
working fine up to now.  It says (in part): 

% hugelatex settings
main_memory.hugelatex = 1100000

Any thoughts?


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